The Malfoys

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Lucius pov

I was filling out paper work when I heard a sharp knock 

" Come in. " 

In came Snape and a girl. The girl had browny blond hair was small and really skinny almost to skinny. She had pale blue eyes and she was quite pretty. 

I looked back at Severus. " What brings you here old friend. Who is this. "

" Lucius, I am good and this is Grace. Grace Riddle. Or before Grace Potter." 

I gasped it could not be, the dark lords daughter was here and safe. We had found her. I stood from my seat and walked over to her. She had some of the dark lords look. Like her eye before his eye's turned. they had the same shade of blue. Cold, and at first glance emotionless but on second glance if you look at them for a little longer you can see so much pain. 

Wait pain.

 No she can't be more than 11. Same as Draco why does she have so much pain in her eyes, what has has happened. 

I bowed to her. " My dear I am Lucius Malfoy, I work for your father. "

She looked confused and stared at Severus " Why is he bowing. "

I was confused did she not know her heritage. 

Snape bent down to her level. " Your father went by another name Grace. He was a sort of ruler to some of the wizards. Definitely Lucius and I. So you are sort of a Princess to us."

She was silent for a minute until she spoke quietly " Voldemort. " 

Nearly reeling back and stumbling I was just able to keep my stance. Severus just nodded. 

" I knew it. I have read a few books on him he was the only other person who was able to speak to snake.  A dark arts book I read said the the power of Pasletounge was past on by generations so I always had my suspicions. Though I never thought it would be true.  " 

I smiled " You are like you father, he also was very smart. Now would you like to meet my son he is the same age as you. "

" Yes, Sir. " 

She has good manners " No need for the sir, Grace. "

" OK "

I lead her up the stairs to Draco's room and knocked on his door. " Come in"

I opened the door to see my son on his bed reading a quidditch magazine. 

He stood up " Father, godfather who is this. " 

I give a small smile. " Draco this is Grace Riddle, the dark lords daughter. Please treat her with respect. " 

My son stood still gasping for a few second until he walked over and took Grace's hand. 

" Hello Grace my Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. "

He leaned down and kissed her hand. I taught him well. 

They seemed to start a conversation. 

So Severus and I left.  

We went back to my office. After I had poured us both drinks and we were sitting I questioned Sev. 

" Severus where did you find her. " 

" Listen closely Lucius I really don't want to tell this story more than once, Dumble-dick told me to get her and bring her to Diagon Ally to get her school things and wand. There I saw her run out of a cupboard where she sleep in then at the Ally she confessed that she had been Abused. not just a fe hits but a slave, belts, burn. I checked her memories. She has been heavily abused most of her life. Her only friend was a baslick. The snake found a way to bring her books and she is up to grade four or five in work.   Wandless as she had no wand. "

I sat very still. I couldn't move. 

" Abused " I said faintly.

Severus just slowly nodded. 

" How Dumbledore would have known, how about Potter weren't they raised as twins. "

" Yes I do think Dumbledore knew but he didn't care or do anything. She is his enemies child. Second, Potter is like the rest of his family he lives with. He treats her like a house elf and even hits her too. "

I was appalled and frightened. I do believe the dark lord will rise again, I can feel it and when he does and finds out his little Princess was treat like this. He will be beyond mad. 

" what do you want me to do Sev. "

"Let her stay, show her love. I will go to the ministry. I have memories and a confessing from her. They will have to take her out of that house. Then she stays here goes to Hogwarts but in breaks and summer holiday she stays here. The Dark Lord will rise again we both know that and when he does. His daughter will be safe. "

I nodded " of course she can stay. I also believe she and Draco will get on quit well. We have a few month till School. Narcissa and I will teach her the pure-blood customs too. 

Snape nodded and walked over to the fire place. " I will go to the Ministry now I might call you as a witness. "  Then he flooed away. 

I finished my drink and walked back to Draco's room and there I saw the two on the bed, with a red snake and Draco explaining Quidditch. I smiled softly and knocked. You see lots of people believe me to be a mean, cold father but I love Draco more than anything same goes for my wife. It is only in public that I act a little more cold. 

The two looked my way. So did the snake. It was a very pretty snake but a little unnerving. 

Grace got up. " Sorry is the professor ready. "

" My lady, Severus has asked for my wife and I to take you in as we do not want you to go back to your family. "

" There no my Family. " She replied very bitterly. 

Then the most astonishing thing happened Draco went over and rapped his arms around her in a hug. " I will be your family. " 

She didn't smile but I saw her eye's light up. " Thanks Dray. You don't know how much that means to me. " 

I smiled softly They would get on just fine. 

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