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It had been a few mouth since Grace had started to live with them. Snape had gone to the ministry and the Malfoys had gained full custody of Grace.  She was with them until her father returned. 

They had gone to Diagon Alley and had gotten books, wands, robes and a owl each.

Grace's owl was black and grey with glowing yellow eye's that seemed to stare in to her soul. She like him. 

He was named Hades after the god of the dead

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He was named Hades after the god of the dead.  He was large and seemed to only like Draco and Grace. She didn't even have to pay for him.  The owner of the shop had been relived to se this owl gone. Grace saw it, and it seemed unwanted and reminded her of herself and her life before she had got a second chance. So she decided to give this owl a second chance to. 

Draco also got and owl. Brown and tan it seemed nearly boring but her eyes drew Draco towards it. Molten orange. Her name was Python. Because it looked like she was going to strike at you any time.

 Because it looked like she was going to strike at you any time

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Grace was now sitting in a private car as her Lucius, Narcissa  ( Who Grace got along quite well with ) and Draco were all driving to Hogwarts express. Grace got out her wand and started to remember that day.

They had gone down to knock turn alley to get there wands. There they had stepped into an old looking shop but inside it was dark and spotless. A young man with dusty blonde hair and brown eye's stood at the counter. Lucius had explained that this guy made handmade wands and that they are not tracked by the ministry. Draco got dark pine and dragon heartstring. While Grace got dark Elder wood with Basilisk venom and scale, with a piece demetors clock. He said that it was great at dark magic and charms. 

Grace prov

I looked around again gripping my wand. I knew that I would see my brother again but now I had Draco. I had also read as much as I could, plus all the knowledge I already knew I was way ahead of him so I felt fine. 

We arrived at the station walked through the wall and arrived at the train. Cissa hugged Draco for way to long and Lucius smiled at me and shook my hand. " Stay safe Grace. " " Of course Lucius ". He turned to Draco. " Do us proud son. " Draco puffed out his chest. 


Then he did the famous Malfoy smirk  "of course father. " with one more hug and a pat on the back for me, even if I did flinch. I still don't like contact. we were off. 

Inside the train we found an empty compartment in the Slytherin side of the train. putting our trunks above and our owls in there cages up above. I grabbed a new book I had started to read it was muggle but Lucius himself said he had to admit it was good. It was called The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. As I started to read about Bilbo, the door opened again and in came Crabb and  Goyle. I put down my book after that and listen to the three talk while occasionally putting in my option. We talked for a few hour. Then the trolly cart witch came around " anything from the trolls dear. "

Draco got up " 4 chocolate frogs, two bottle of pumpkin juice two packets of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans O and two sugar quills. " The trolly lady smiled and gave Draco his order and he payed her with a generous tip I scoffed, show off. He brought back a arm full of candy and dumped it on my lap. " Here we can share." My eye's smiled for me " Thanks dray. " Crabb got the candy for him and Goyle. 

We sat there eating candy. 

then all got dressed into our robes. We had about half an hour to go till we got to Hogwarts when Crabb as " So what house are you guys wanting. " Draco and I looked at him like he was a idiot. Which he was. Though before Draco could speak I said in my monotoned voice " Slytherin you imbecile what other house do you think. Gryffindor. " I scoffed at the thought. The two boys trembled at my scowl thought Draco just smirked.                   

" Sssorry Grace. "  

" Now lets go the train has stopped we don't want to be last that would look bad would it not. " I glanced at all the boys. They nodded. We walked off the platform and over to a overly large man. Waving first years over to him. 

I saw Draco scoff. " He is a half breed, a giant. Disgusting. He  is also a loyal lap dog to Dumbledore. "

The first two things didn't really matter to me but the last one did. Dumbledore ruined my childhood. I cannot be a child anymore because of him.  I hated him more than the Durslys them-self.  We got to the castle and was lead inside by an old woman call Mcgonagall. She also worked for dick. 

She walked off to do something and all the first years were left. Great put a hundred or so 11 year olds together and hope no trouble. Brilliant. 

Just as I was thinking that I saw potty come over to Draco and I. 

" Grace what are you doing here, Aren't you so pose to be cleaning the toilets or making my dinner. " 

I glared at him " Actually Potty I have a new family and I have no relations to you at all. So run along before you start something you can't finish" And just as i said that. Mcgonagall came bach and lead us into the hall and then I saw it. The sorting hat. 

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