First year

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Hi guys I just wanted to write a bit about her arriving the real story is around the books 4-7 so Here I will just explain how Grace changed the story in the first 4 books. I hope you guys don't mind and please write more comments they really make my day. So I will do a chapter a year. Also super sorry that i can't post normally I have end of year exams and thing like that.  

P.S. do any of you gays, girls and non binary watch anime if you do pls give me suggestions 

First Year. 

Grace woke up super early for the first day. Going to her personal bathroom for a shower. After she combed out her hair and let it stay down. Putting on her black,green and silver robes she was finished getting ready. 

Grace meet Draco  at the entry hall. They went down to breakfast but not before say goodbye to grandfather. After breakfast we had Potions first.  Draco was super excited and so was I. I had read all about the potions but could never try them and now I finally could.

 Potions was a breeze. First of it was super easy like following a recipe or something like that and second, Snape hates all the Gryffindors and especially Potty so thats an extra for us.

All the other classes were just boring. The teachers were all in awe of my ability of doing all the spells perfectly on the first time. The bushy haired girl Hermione looked annoyed at me half of the time. 

Flying lessons were even worse Draco tried to steal Longbottem Orb. So I had to hit him on the back of the head and then made him give it back o him personally. I myself had been bullied so I will not stand it from my own friends. 

The days went by pretty quickly and it was to easy. I mean really I had learned this stuff already. 

Just like the first day the rest of them went easy. Me exceeding in everything and Draco coming second as became his personal tutor. It was around halfway through the year when Quarrel came rushing into the great hall yelling " there's a troll in the dungeons. A trolllll. " Then in front of everyone he fainted. that caused everyone to go into mass panic. 

Dumbledore stood up quickly and was able to calm most people down. " Please everyone do not panic if the prefects would lead you housemates back to you common rooms. Immediately. " 

soon the fifth years were gathering up there groups when I put my hand up. " Sir " Dumbledore glared at me but all the same answered. " yes " I sighed " How stupid can you be sir. " Then suddenly as if a curtin of silence was dropped over the room everyone shut there mouth. Dumbledores eyebrows twitched in rage " I'm sorry girl I don't understand.  " I shock my head this man. " Well sir you told us to go back to or common rooms. But both Hufflepuff and Slytherin are in the Dungeons where the troll is. So what I asking is do you want us to be attack Sir. Cause you are called the smartest wizard alive so I was certain that thought should have crossed your mind." Dumbledore just stood shocked and trembling with anger. He seemed to take quiet a few long deep breath till he started. " You make a excellent point Miss Riddle. I apologise for not thinking about that. Both Hufflepuffs and Slytherins will remain locked in the hall till all is safe." I nodded in satisfaction. I had done my damage of embarrassing him.

After the troll incident I had found out that my idiotic ex-housemate and his two loyal followers had 'defeated' the beast. I highly doubt it. Easier Hairy has stolen someones brain to become smarter. Or they won by pure luck. I would put my money on the second option though. 

The second big thing that happened this year was that the boy who lived got in to the Quittich  team. I was pretty peeved when I heard so I went straight to Snape and demand hime to put me in the Slytherins team. He agreed. So when Dumbledore tried to stop me all I did was remind him that He let harry go and that shut him up pretty fast. 

I am amazing at sports to so there is no doubt that i made Slytherin all the games. We did win the cup to. 

Soon it was the end of the year and Slytherin was way ahead to win the house cup when Dumbledore stared to dish out points to the Gryfindorks for 'saving us' Which made no sense since he told them not to go in the room and they did. So what are we just awarding rule breakers now or something. Anyway Dum-as-a-ass started giving heaps of points to Harry,Ron and frizzy hair. The funny thing thought he had miss calculated his numbers and was ten point short. So in the end we still won.  Yay screw you two you ass. Over all it was a pretty good year. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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