(9) HELL

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Liam's P.O.V

I tried to move but I couldn't. I tried to open my eyes and then a flashing light hit me followed with a killing hot wind which was burning my face, I rolled to the other side and on the floor I saw Louis, his face now showing some vital signs.

I extended my arm in order to reach him, and in the end I did.

"Louis-louis wake up louis!" I shouted half whispered. I didn't want to drag anyone's attention on us, since I didn't know where we were

"Mhh...Liam is that you?!"

"Yes Lou is me"

"Arghhhh, my head's hurting me like hell, where are we?" Lou questioned me, I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know" I felt scared, those surroundings were unfamiliar, the only thing I saw were flames flames and flames...red was everywhere like a disease in a body.

We were somewhere inside, the only thing which connected us with the outside was a window. I stood up, determined to understand where we were, and then I saw a horrifying landscape, giants with three heads, six arms, three torsos were roaming around freely and other terrifying creatures demonic like. I turned back, my face turning pale and fear clearly being shown.

"What did you see Liam?" Louis questioned me. I couldn't answer, I couldn't even process where I was.

"I-I-I saw demons and horrible creatures" I said, and then a loud noise was heard, shot-like. As a result all creatures outside became agitated and started running towards enclosed spaces. The red sky was replaced by a pitch black one and grey smoke started appearing everywhere spreading at the speed of light.

"Louis come here" I could see fear embracing the whole of Louis' body.

We couldn't see anything, and then we heard a door being forced, and then realisation hit me, it was our door.

Me and Louis tried to hide in a corner but we knew it would be useless. The door swang open and then a fade light illuminated the room, making two figures appear.

The first one was very tall, probably 6 feet tall, by looking at its body it was a she.

She was slim with blonde hair and green eyes, the second one however was shorter than her, around 5 feet tall. She was brunette and her eyes were caramel-like.

"You two. Stand up." The tall one said. She was very demanding.

Me and Louis stood up simply because we didn't know what they were, they could be demons.

"Who are you?" I asked, regretting it the second after.

"I'm Sarah and this is Katy." I thought that she was going to hit me or something, but she didn't. She seems a nice person.

"Where are we?! and why are we here??" Louis frantically asked.

"Calm down you baby boy. You are in Hell, and you're here to die" Katy said. The next second I could see Louis shivering uncontrollably, and then he collapsed.

"Arghhhh....really?? Sarah said, her voice very annoyed.

"Take him, we're already late, I don't want to get punished because of you and your stupid friend" Sarah seemed to be very scared of this person, hopefully that person is not who I think it is.

I bent down and I put Louis on my shoulder, I didn't know he was that heavy.

We walked for what it seemed days and then we arrived in front of what it seemed to be a palace however it had some characteristics of a church.

Guarding the doors were two headless humanoids. The two girls walked towards them and said something which I couldn't comprehend, the two humanoids then moved and the doors opened by themselves.

We walked inside and then I saw him. My biggest nightmare. Lucifer.

"Oh-h what a pleasure to see you Liam, and your friend too."

"What do you want?" I said, moments later regretting it.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. You useless human. I couldn't kill you and your friend right now."

His voice was powerful, so powerful it made me feel extremely small and vulnerable.

I looked around, there was no escape, no windows, nothing. The door from which I previously came vanished into thin air.

"There was no way you can escape, this is the place where your life will end."

His words petrified me, he was right. There was no way I could escape this. I'm wondering if Zayn is looking for me, or maybe he forgot about me.

"I'm so sorry your Zayn is not here to save you, it's such a shame that he can't see how I kill you and your friend."

Then he stood up, and raised his hand, seconds later, Louis was being lifted from my shoulder in the space over my head, i tried to reach him but I couldn't.

"Leave him alone!!" I shouted.

Lucifer didn't even pay attention to what I said. I looked up and I saw Louis, he was awake now, but his face was turning red, then I realised he couldn't breath.

"Stop-p!!! Pleasee don't kill him!" I cried, I couldn't watch my friend being killed by a heartless Monster so I ran towards Lucifer with the Intention to stop him. It was useless, he saw me and he moved his hand forwards and then a strong wind smashed me against a wall.

"So stupid, I was thinking about sparing your friend's life but no. I'll just kill him now" he said, and with that he closed his hand in a fist and Louis stopped moving, his body then falling down lifeless.

SOOOOOO, what do you think??? Please don't be silent readers, leave some comments.

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