(17) War

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3rd person P.O.V

Lucifer's army was advancing at an incredible rate, everywhere in the world, demons started invading all cities destroying them regardless of how many people they were killing. Meanwhile, in London Zayn, Liam and Louis were trying to make up a plan to stop this invasion.

They were coming from the south like once the Romans did, history repeats itself regardless of the event.

Harry and Niall, did found Zayn's friends in NYC and LA. They understood what the problem was, since their cities were already being invaded. Some remained in order to protect their cities but many came to London.

The journey was short and once they arrived, what they saw paralysed them. London was already under attack and the few people Zayn found around the UK weren't enough to stop an entire army.

Harry and the others flew downwards in order to reach Zayn and Louis who were already fighting.

"Where is Liam?" Harry asked.

"It's in my apartment, he's with a friend" Zayn said and then thousands and thousands of demons started appearing from the horizon.

"They are too many, we won't make it!" Louis shouted in despair.

Louis, Zayn come here, I've got a plan. Then all of them ran towards Harry and he started talking.

"So we need to attack them three sides, so we can crush them. One from the north, one from the East and one from the west. This is the only way. When everyone got the message they started running towards their positions, reading for the big wave of demons.

Anxiety filled the air. Silence fell, foreshadowing the war ahead. You could here them coming. Their feet hitting the ground. They're mouth, saying the same word"VICTORY", and then the war broke out.

Balls of fire where being thrown towards Harry and the others followed poisonous arrows which could kill you in seconds.

"Let's go"! Harry shouted and all of them ran towards their common enemy. You could hear swords hitting each other and swords passing through bodies now lifeless. At first everything seemed easy, Zayn and Harry were killing demons like they were born to. They were winning, they were actually winning this war, but this dream was shattered when someone shouted "They've got Liam" then Zayn paralysed, he couldn't comprehend those words. Harry shouted at him to go and in a matter of seconds Zayn was flying towards his apartment where he left Liam.

He smashed the door of his apartment and he saw his friend, dead on the floor. He went towards their room upstairs were he heard some voices. It was Liam's and...

"Come in Zayn, I know it's YOU". A voice said, Zayn then realised, it was Lucifer's.

He then stepped into the room and saw Liam in with cut on his arm and face, he was bleeding.

"What did you do to him" Zayn's voice was filled with pure anger and contempt.

Meanwhile, on the front line Harry and the others were being outnumbered, they kept coming and coming. The weather worsened, the sky now dark red making harder for them to see their enemies.

Harry then heard a scream, he turned around and he was Louis on the ground, with an arrow right through his chest. They couldn't win so he screamed "RETREAT".

The demons kept coming and coming , over and over again. Harry and the others were running towards an enclosed space to hyde when, a loud BOOM sound was heard. Harry looked towards the sky and saw cracks opening, becoming wider and wider. From them a bright light came and angels started coming out of it.

Harry now hurt and weak, couldn't believe his eyes, someone was coming in his rescue. He then saw those angels landing in front of him and they started fighting, he could hear the screams produced by the demons when they were hit by the bright light. It was deadly.

Harry didn't wait any time more and shouted " Let's go back and fight!" He fought along side with those angels without thinking that he was a demon too.

Zayn however didn't have anyone coming to his rescue. He had to save Liam's life and his own.

"I think it's time. It's time for you and your stupid lover to die." Lucifer then with one movement smashed Zayn against a wall, making him unconscious.

He then directed himself towards Liam. He could hear the noise outside. Screams and loud bangs could he heard even from miles away. He realised that reinforcement had arrived. He didn't have much time left.

"Let's do it quickly yeah" Lucifer said and then took his one and only sword. The one he always used he was fighting for the good.

Liam couldn't move, he was scared, he was terrified, then it happened.

Lucifer stabbed Liam right in the chest. Liam looked up, seeing the sword being pushed inside him made him cough violently, blood now coming out from his mouth and chest, his shirt now impregnated with his own blood.

Harry and the others were successfully killing all the demons, one by one they fell to the ground. They were winning this war.

When the last demon was killed, all shouted in happiness. But Harry realised that Zayn never came back, which meant that he was in trouble. He took Niall with him and asked the angels to take care of Louis.

They flew to Zayn's apartment, they saw the smashed door and ran inside. Harry and Niall run silently up the stairs and with the corner of his eyes he saw Zayn lying on the floor and then Lucifer and Liam. He didn't understand what happended until he saw the blood on the ground. He signalled Niall to take care of Zayn while he will attack Lucifer from the back.

One, two, three! Then Niall jumped to help Zayn, capturing Lucifer's attention and then Harry ran towards Lucifer stabbing him with his sword. He knew he didn't cause much damage but at least he gained some precious time.

"You stupid demon! What did you do!" Lucifer screamed in pain. His sword exiting Liam's body and falling to to the ground.

Harry ran to Liam to help him, he put his hand on Liam's chest and saw the blood coming out rapidly.

"Harry be careful!" Niall shouted, Harry turned around and saw Lucifer in front of him, " Did you really think you could kill me? You stupid demon, now you're going to die too!" He moved his hand in order to kill Harry....but he didn't have time. A voice was heard, and then a sword, not any sword was being pushed in Lucifer's heart with violence. The voice then said "The end." Lucifer then fell to the ground showing the identity of the mysterious killer. It was Zayn.

"You did it! Zayn! You actually did it, you killed Lucifer!" Niall's voice filled the air

Victory was in the air.





Hope to see you soon.

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