二十六 | Ni Juu Roku

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"...i never craved attention... until I tasted yours..."



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— "What's wrong?" Joy asks at the frantic looking Lisa.

Lisa was rummaging her bag, looking nervous from not finding the thing she's looking for.

"My ah..." Sweat starts to form on Lisa's brow, "My ID, it's gone." she looks at Joy in panic.

"I think I might have also dropped on the floor when that girl bumped on me." Lisa places a hand on her temple in frustration.

Joy gave Lisa a soft pat on the shoulder, "Maybe someone picked it up. I'm sure they would either give it to you or leave it on the lost and found." she smiles at the blonde in comfort.

Lisa burrows her face in her hands, she remembers Jisoo's words regarding the ID– that they wouldn't replace it if it's lost. The significance of that single item is highly valuable since all information and even her financial data is in that single thing.

Lisa groans, Joy gives her another pat on her back as encouragement, "Don't be like that, think positive."

"Can't really think like that," Lisa slumps on her chair, "I really really hope someone picked up and returns it to me."

"Yeah, they will give it back to you– if ever it was picked up by someone. What need would they have for your ID?" Joy thoughtfully says.

Lisa's mouth forms into a thin line, she crosses her arms, "I hope so..."

Whoever got a hold of her ID, Lisa hopes it's someone who has no issue with her. She can only hope so since the majority of the student body seems to hate her guts right now.

Lisa felt her hope diminish from that thought.


Time slowly passed till it was finally lunch. Lisa fixed her things and stood up from her seat, Joy looks at her in bafflement.

"What's the rush?" Joy asks the blonde, she fixed her things in haste to catch up with Lisa.

"My ID, I really need that." Lisa says in agitation, "I'm gonna go see the lost and found if it's there." she walks out of the room with Joy hot on her tracks.

"And where are you off too in such a hurry?" A hand softly grabs Lisa's forearm, Lisa turns her head to the person who grabbed her.

Jennie was raising her brow in question, her lips quirked into a tiny smile.

Joy was tongue-tied behind Lisa, she looked at Jennie in slight bewilderment. How the girl always pops out of nowhere like a mushroom still shocks her to no end.

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