四十七 | Yon Juu Nana

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"...love is a rare rose... the perfume intoxicating... picked by fingers oblivious to the thorns..."



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— "Lisa get the fuck out of there NOW!" Rosé practically howls from the phone and Lisa refrained from wincing due to the loud voice of her friend.

Jennie shifted on her bed and the blonde held in her breath. A small murmur escaped the feline eyed girl's mouth before she gently snored on the pillow she was hugging. Lisa's attention returns to Rosé who was impatient on the other line.

"Chaeyoung-ah it's been so long since—" Lisa was cut off by Rosé.

"Introductions later, get out of Jennie's room now." The Aussie demanded yet again, her voice sounded antsy like she just wants Lisa to follow her every word.

"How do you know I'm inside Jennie's room?" the blonde asked, clearly lost of the whole situation— though worry was evident in her part considering she hasn't seen nor heard from Rosé in so long.

"Jisoos Lisa," Even though Lisa couldn't see Rosé, she knows the Aussie was pinching her nose in frustration, "Just please leave the room, please."

"Okay okay I'll ask later— let me fix myself." Lisa grabbed the leather jacket and puts it, she flicks her hazel eyes on the bed to see Jennie still snoozing in bed– the blonde then procceeds to take her sneakers beside the door to put it on.

Lisa looks back at the slumbering kitten on the bed, she bit her lip in contemplation before the blonde gently unlocked the bedroom. Lisa slithered her body out of the slightly ajar door and closed it shut— a soft click was heard.

Jennie shifted on the bed, her hold on the pillow slackened as her brows furrow— her eyes fluttered hidden behind her eyelids, her unconscious state was slowly disappearing.

Lisa, who was outside of Jennie's room – looked around the place to see the darkened hall. It looked oddly creepy especially since the only light was provided by the dim moon whose illumination peeked from the grilled windows.

"Now what? I'm outside Jennie's room." Lisa calls out to her friend on the other line. The hall was eerily quiet and the blonde felt a bit of her scaredy cat attitude come out.

"Get out of the manor. I'll see you outside." Rosé says to the blonde, Lisa could hear the Aussie's labored breathing and soft taps on the other line.

Why? Lisa asked in her mind.

"Rosé... Uh— this place is huge so I have no bloody idea where I'm suppose to go." Lisa licked her dry lips as she slowly moved her feet, her head was moving left and right to see the very long dark hall with a few doors lined upon the walls.

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