Idyllic Imperfection

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And had perfect ever existed? Yeah, no. In the other words, don't let yourself be blinded by those fabricated compliments.



I do not own BTS, BigHit or other idols included in the story.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters used are not representing their real counterparts. The plot, names, places or incidents are fictitious and created by the author in the form of written-imagination. Any plot, name, place or incident that hold any similarity with other stories are solely coincidental, and not related to someone's living or death.

I strictly do not cope with any form of plagiarism. Please be original and do not steal my works. Thank you.


- First and foremost, I'm very sorry for taking a lot of time to just publish this not-so-great book. This is my first ever book with upgraded version of diction, writing style, etc. after a period of time digging more deeply into writing (I try <3). Therefore, I'm certain it'll take a lot more time, and because of that, again I'm apologizing.

- Please refrain from commenting sensitive topics, jokes those BTS doesn't like, idol ships-related comments because I'm not into ships now (it's BTS' wishes as well, so let's just respect them).

- Shout-out to these amazing humans and writers! They've inspired me so much in writing and I'm very grateful to know them here on this platform!

a. catchumylife - I don't know, everything about Cat inspires me so much. I adore her perspectives even on the smallest things. Her books feel the closest, especially Evan and Clay & Vinyl. And you'll see that this story is very very inspired by her story Clay & Vinyl! <3

b. lizywee - Liz! I'm so glad that we're meant to know each other here. You're one of the sweetest and kindest persons I ever met in my entire life. Your stories, especially Name of My Love feels very fresh and I wouldn't hesitate to admit that I've reread it for a couple of times. Your beautiful paragraphs are the thing that inspires me the most. How I wish I could write as beautiful as you did. And guys, for your information, Liz had also helped me with this book!

c. taehyungnation - Micky. I always love the way her smarty brain thinks of an unusual plot for her stories. They have unique and strong endings, which I adore so much. I've read mostly all of her stories, and those I love the deepest are Ideal Man, I and II, Babysitter and Divorce to Jungkook.

d. chiminities - And Lisa, my favorite grammar teacher! I've learned very very much from her, and I feel nothing but very very thankful. I wish my grammar could be as clean as hers. I'll keep practicing and practicing!

- Last but not least, thank you for deciding to give this book a chance! Thank you for your supports! I love ya'll so much! <3

Enjoy, loves!

Enjoy, loves!

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