03 | Uninvited VVIP

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"Happy birthday, Hye-in! Sweet eighteen! Here's your present," Choi Taehee cheered, handing the pastel purple paper bag, allowing a smile born on Hye-in's lips.

"Thank you, babe," Hye-in thanked the girl.

"Nah, no problem."

In the midst of their chitchatting, a group of boys made a way towards them. One of them who was taking the role of leading was no other than Choi Yeonjun, the leader of the school basketball team—who Hye-in knew had a feeling for her for a while now—even when he knew the rumor of her having an adult boyfriend outside the school.

"Hi, Hye-in. Your present," the guy handed her a well-wrapped present, not missing any chance to enjoy staring at that gorgeous girl.

Hye-in took the present from his hand, smiling a little as she spoke. "Thank you, Yeonjun."

"No thanks, pretty. Um, can we have a little bit of a study session tomorrow? I'm having trouble with Chemistry, you know."

The girl smiled. She ran her eyes somewhere on the floor, not wanting to lock her eyes with his, knowing very well that the intention of the 'study' he mentioned earlier was nothing else other than to take advantage; to flirt with her. There was no ever way Hye-in would cheat on Taehyung with this boy. This another boy who just loved being with pretty girls.

She then looked up, piercing her eyes into Yeonjun's again, now coming along with her answer.

"I'm sorry, but I've promised Taehee to study with her tomorrow." She flashed a smile before tucking a strand of hair that came off behind her ear, making Choi Yeonjun bit his lower lip.

"Ah. What about next time? Whenever you're free, of course." That guy still didn't give up.

Hye-in nodded a bit uncertainly. "Sure."

Choi Yeonjun grinned. "Cool! See you later then, pretty. Thanks for inviting."

"Thanks for coming too."

The boys waved their hands as their goodbye, and Hye-in just reacted with an unsure smile.

"Wow. That was awkward, but hey, you should give him a chance. I mean study time wouldn't be so bad, considering the fact that he's been liking you for a while now. A loyal type, he is," Taehee spoke after a while being silent.

"You know my answer, Taehee. I'm not betraying Taehyung."

Certainty was very clear in her tone. That was how Hye-in dealt with the boys who have feelings for her. Yeonjun wasn't the only one. Yes, she loved to get their attention, yet when they came over and confessed their feelings towards her, that was what she would do. Always. Either rejecting straight or giving excuses. In earlier's case, she gave an excuse to silently reject Yeonjun's request. Perhaps because she thought that since he came to her party tonight, she shall be a bit nicer? Perhaps.

"Anyway, I didn't see your lovely sugar daddy here. Where's him? Will he make it here?" Taehee questioned.

"I didn't either." Hye-in looked at the crowd, trying to examine whether there was the male figure she wanted to see so bad tonight who might just arrive and was looking for her as well but no. There wasn't.

"I think I need to go home now, Hye-in," the girl paused. "Still haven't finished some homework for tomorrow. I'll be done if I don't settle them down tonight. Thanks for the party."

"Okay, thank you for coming."

"Yeah, no problem. Adios!"

Hye-in grinned to her. "Au revoir."

She eyed her close friend as her figure was disappearing from her eyes. The others also came one by one to excuse themselves, yet Kim Taehyung hadn't shown up still, made her decide to just call that guy. She looked for his number and pressed the call button, placing her phone next to her ear as she waited for the call to be picked up.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Hey, Tae. Where are you? Why didn't you show up still? The party is almost over now, you know," she spoke with whiny tone.

"Sorry, sweetie, I can't make it there."

His words made her face frown. "Can't? What do you mean by can't?"

She heard a long sigh escaped from the guy in the call.

"I'm not invited, sweetie. Your parents didn't invite me."

"W-what? How come?"

"It's okay, sweetie. Happy birthday! Claim your present later and don't be sad, okay? Love you!"

The guy ended the call made her mind surround with thoughts of possibilities if the guy was actually sulking. Taehyung had never sulked with her, and that made Hye-in feel even worrier. Her parents didn't send him an invitation? But why? Why when they knew he was the important person to be here, to celebrate the night with her? Hye-in clenched her jaws. This was mean, totally mean. Her parents were too much.

She wanted to go and confront them, yet she waited until the party was over and the guests all left the place. As there was no one other than the abides of the house, she arranged her footsteps towards them with anger growling inside.

"Hey, sweetie—"

"This was a waste. Everything," she cut her dad off. "Holding a party without my most important person invited? You're so mean, dad, mom. Taehyung deserves to be here. I could introduce him to you in a proper way if he was here too."

"Hye-in, sweetheart, listen." Her mom took a deep breath before proceeding to speak. "We knew if we invited him here, you'd definitely stuck with only him in the first place. You'd care less about your other guests, your friends, and us. We don't want that to happen."

Hye-in felt the explanation behind this all illogical. "That's it? Hello? Like seriously? How childish?" She paused to scoff. "Too late. Thanks for making my birthday this year the most horrible."

With that being said, she dashed upstairs to lock herself in her room. She forcefully sat on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through her hair in disappointment. How could her own parents be that childish? Didn't invite Taehyung, the real VVIP instead of their business friends, just because they didn't want her to stick around with him the whole night? What was the matter if that happened, anyway?

Taehyung deserved to be here. Oh God, how would that guy be feeling by now? Her mind was clouded by nothing but the endless repetition of sorry. Too much, too much, too much. Her parents were too much.

And she couldn't stand that anymore.

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