01 | For Sure

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How Hye-in loved attention.

She got numerous pairs of eyes fixating on her, mouths whispering things about her and minds having her inside. Basically everything about her. Her, her, her—and only her.

That 18-year-old girl locked her phone, letting the screen showed only a black blank. She didn't forget to fix her muted-brown hair, technically running her slender fingers through that silky-smooth hair, then tucking some behind her right ear. All of that just to make a single further movement; standing up from the bus-stop bench.

As she stood up, she shifted her gaze on the guy who was awaiting in that black Audi, who was no other than her loyal boyfriend, Kim Taehyung. He had a cool smile on his face, which Hye-in returned it with a sweet one. She started arranging her way to the car, swaying her hips a little bit when she heard the other students continued whispering.

"Is that him? Is that her boyfriend?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Woah, how handsome."

"How lucky to have him picking you up from school. I'm so jealous."

Hye-in's lips slowly curved up, forming a small smirk to hear what were they whispering. She reached in front of the door and waited for nothing to get inside the car.

"You're such an attention seeker, sweetie. Look at how many eyes you got on you," Taehyung uttered once she closed the door.

Like an automatic machine, her smirk grew wider. That was what she always wanted—everybody looking at her, whispering things about her, having her in the minds, admiring her, fangirl-ing over her, envying her—every thing because of her, Hwang Hye-in, because she loved how it felt like, to have the power. The power of perfection. The power of admiration. The power of importance. Hye-in wanted to be someone which every guy would drool over, and someone which every other girl would idolize on.

"And that makes me aware that I'm very lucky to have you," Taehyung continued and tickled the girl's chin, making her smirk faded into a sweet smile.

He returned the smile, then shifting his attention to his Cartier watch on his left wrist. "It's 9:38 pm. Wanna eat something?"

"Yup! I'm pretty hungry now," Hye-in stated.

"Then let's go chew some rice cakes!" the guy announced whilst hands were taking their place onto the steering wheel.

After a couple of minutes on the road, the couple had arrived at the Gwangjang Market, a market that opened from 8:30 am until 11 pm. Taehyung went out to get them some spicy rice cake and some drinks at the nearest stall. Dealing and waiting for about six minutes, the guy came back and settled himself in the driver seat again. He handed Hye-in the medium-sized bowl filled with the spicy meal and placed down the two drinks in the holder.

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