05 | Self-disappointment

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The same aroma of lavender from the car perfume greeted Hye-in's nostrils as soon as she got inside the seat next to the driver's. She crossed her arms under her chest, slightly escaping a heavy sigh—probably the heaviest she ever escaped—as she leaned into the seat then shut her eyes together.

She was exhausted. Packing up clothes and the other crucial stuffs she might or definitely would need at twelve in the morning was totally tiring. That didn't include how much energy had been drained out by lifting and throwing her suitcase as well as herself from the balcony of her room for Taehyung to catch, yet it was a cost worth paying. At least she got to feel the tonne of weighs being lifted up from her shoulders when she successfully sneaked out from her house. At least she was now with Taehyung. Or, at last, she was finally with Taehyung.

After done settling the suitcase inside the hood of the car, the latter got inside the car as well, making her open up her eyes to look at him. Their eyes connected, and it didn't take much time for their hands to be connected as well as Taehyung took hers.

"Are you okay? Are you sure with this?" he questioned.

Hye-in firmly nodded. "I am."

Nod responded with nod, Taehyung finally began to drive off. The road was a little bit quiet, yet not entirely. One and two tiny droplets of water started to hit the front glass of the car as they passed the traffic lights, and then three, four, five, and then countless; it was raining outside. And it made the temperature—at this one in the morning—even colder. Taehyung's hand eventually reached the AC temperature changer, rotating it to the lower level.

As the car stopped again for the red light, he bobbed his head backwards, letting it rested against the head-rest as he took a few seconds to close the eyes. Hye-in turned to look at him doing so, feeling actually guilty to trouble that guy before gently telling him that the light had turned to green. He tiredly sat up properly again to continue driving.

"I found a hotel," he spoke, breaking the silence. "Let's just rest first, can we?"

Hye-in gulped the moment the word 'hotel' slipped off from his mouth. Her head began to be filled with the flickering of nervous thoughts; hotel? Would it be okay? It wouldn't be the same as the typical teen-asking-to-spend-night-at-hotel scene she watched from the television right? Were her parents actually right? That Taehyung had a bad intention towards her? Was she falling into the actual trip now? Was that the biggest plot twist in her life storybook?

Not getting any response from the girl, Taehyung turned his head to look at her.


Hye-in nervously wetted her bottom lip. "Y-yes."

Taehyung nodded and the car turned to the left, heading towards the area of the luxury hotel building then stopping to park the car. They both got out, the latter making sure to lock his car, before they made their way into the building.

Hye-in didn't follow Taehyung to deal with the female staff who was standing behind the counter. She just watched as he took out an amount of fresh bills, handing them to the lady and got the room key-card as return. With that being gotten, Taehyung returned to get her.

"142, let's go," he said, grasping the girl's cold hand as he led the way.

Hye-in looked up at him. "Um, Tae?"


"Did you get us only one room?" she slowly asked.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry for not asking you. Did you want separate rooms?"

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