04 | Fight Who Fights

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His face wasn't as chill and bright as it used to be. His eyebrows knitted together as if he was in his office room, dealing and dealing with his bunches of works that seemed to never come to an end. There existed no single smile on his lips which would usually spread some sugars for her. It was more than enough to hint Hye-in that he was still affected by the fact he was unwelcome for the party last night.

She placed her hands on the table and leaned over to make them reach the guy's.

"Tae, are you okay?"

It took him a while to answer her. "I am."

Hye-in sighed. Her thumbs moved to stroke his knuckles softly. "You're not. Don't lie to me."

Taehyung took a deep breath and exhaled it out of his lungs out loud, making it seemed like he was escaping a very heavy sigh.

"I even prepared myself for a proper introduction to your family." His voice was low.

Hye-in felt so troubled to hear those words from him. He even planned to face her family properly. God, he must felt so disappointed to know there was no invitation for him. Her parents were so cruel. For real, they were so cruel.


"And even brought them gifts as I felt so excited for the encounter..."

With that being said by him, Hye-in stood up and pulled the chair to sit next to him, pulling him over into an embrace for the comfort. His head rested on her shoulder that she could smell the familiar scents of fresh male shampoo and strong fragrance of Gucci.

"I'm sorry, Tae," she whispered, her hand moving up and down to stroke his shoulder.

Silence filled the atmosphere between them as Taehyung didn't feel like opening his mouth again, and as Hye-in didn't want to be forceful towards the guy.

"Work was suck today. I'm fucking tired. I want to hang out with you until midnight, or maybe morning. Or, whatever, just want to have you now," Taehyung spoke again, yet this time he rather sounded like a demanding child.

Hye-in smiled to his adorableness but as her dad's words replayed in her mind, the smile dropped. "But-my dad had warned me to not go out until that late..."

"Right." Taehyung broke the hug and got his car key which was on the table then stood up. "Better for me to drop you home now, isn't it?"

His sounded irritated, which made the girl hold his hands and pull him to sit again. She examined the whole face of him which was surprisingly had the sulking expression again. Aw, since when Taehyung learned to be a sensitive baby?

Hye-in's lips curved up to a smile as she cupped his cheeks, making him look straight in her eyes.

"Ignore his warning. I'll be with you the whole day today, okay? Now smile," she demanded.

Taehyung's pout was still visible, but then it slowly transformed to a small smile. "Love you."

"Love you too, Tae."

She opened up her arms which Taehyung happily leaned over again.

"Have any thing to do in your head now?" she asked.

"Um, can we go bowling?"

The loud music echoed every corner of the club while the colorful lights were turned on to give the place more party vibes. There were some people who were dancing. Some were drinking, some were flirting, some were giggling like some idiot and some were grinding their hips, not forgetting to say, sensually.

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