06 | Chef's Kiss

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Hye-in ignored all messages she got which were mostly from her family. It was four o'clock by her phone's clock which meant the school had already finished a couple of lessons. She had decided; she didn't want to care. She didn't want to care if she missed the lessons. She didn't want to care if she wouldn't be able to graduate high school. She didn't want to care if she didn't have preparations for SAT. She didn't want to care if she didn't get the colleges' application essays done.

Simply, she didn't want to have any concern for school anymore and had taken the fact that she must forget her dream to continue her study at any of SKY—the acronym for the top three most prestigious universities in South Korea, where the Y—Yonsei University was the lead of her choices. Her ambitious side ached to be capable of being there badly. She had already imagined all the possible feelings if she ever gone there. How she would start the conversation with her roommate, how she would spend her weekends with her but now, they must be erased.

Running away with Taehyung surely gave her a bunch of carefree offers. She was now free from her strict parents. She was now free from her annoying sister. She was now free from the study pressures. She was now free to love whoever she wanted, which, of course, Kim Taehyung himself. She decided to think about her future later. Taehyung was a rasional and smart guy, he would definitely help her think of a way to avoid her being jobless one day. Perhaps he would end her up into another high school, yet it would be way more better than her current one, where people didn't know her story.

She placed her phone down, wanting to get up from her comfy state on the bed which unknowingly had taken more or less than an hour. She wanted to get herself a refreshing shower, then fill her growling tummy up at the hotel's restaurant. She remembered how Taehyung highlighted that he didn't let her to go anywhere too far from the building, or, if it was possible, to not go anywhere out of the building without him. He didn't want anything to happen when he wasn't around the girl.

By the time she barely just stood up, the doorbell sound greeted her ears. She made her way straight to the door, opening it, and a sweet face of the hotel's female staff appeared in her sight. Next to her was a trolley full with delicious meal which drown Hye-in in wonder.

"Sorry to bother you, miss. This is your late lunch," she politely said.

"Eh? I didn't remember asking for this?"

She smiled. "Mr. Taehyung told me to serve you this, saying he wanted to change his mind."

"Ahh, I see." Hye-in nodded her head.

The woman settled the meal on the coffee table inside the room and excused herself after she did. Hye-in closed the door back and went to ease herself into the soft couch. Well, glad that Taehyung changed his mind to ask for a in-room lunching service for her, for she could just eat first before showering now, easily and happily.

The girl began to enjoy her late lunch meal, with the left hand again had the phone in it, scrolling and scrolling down through her Instagram pages. She kept chewing and swallowing the food. Slurp, slurp, slurp as she ate the smooth, greasy black bean noodles. After the chill, dragged lunch eating slot which took about twenty minutes or less, the girl finally done. She stood up, heading straight towards the washroom.

If she was asked what would be her favorite thing to do, then her answer would definitely be showering. It was strangely therapeutic in her perspective, for her to feel light—as if a tonne of weighs had been lifted up from her as she let the water glided down her body, for her to feel fresh and energized as she breathed in the scent came from her skin when she dried up her body. Glad, she was, that this sorta-kinda stress reliever was included in the daily routines.

Later, as she had consumed all the time she needed to ease herself into relief and refreshment, she walked out of the bathroom right after she put herself some new clothes on, her hair was neatly wrapped with the towel. She headed straight to the vanity, pulling the chair and sitting down, then took off the towel to blow dry her hair. She didn't notice someone was entering the room until the sound of the door being closed greeted her ears.

A charming face appeared in her sight, a soft smile formed on her face as she caught his a little worn-out expression. In his grip, there was a Gucci paper bag. He closed the room door back before arranging steps closer to her, and as he reached right behind her sitting form, his hand came out to place the paper bag upon the vanity table. Locking the girl by placing both of his hands on the table, he bent down, lips getting closer and closer until they touched her milky cheek.

"How's lunch? I'm sorry if the meal wasn't enough. I'm planning to take you for a special dinner tonight, so we can eat as much as we want," Taehyung uttered close to her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"It's good. And special dinner? Does this has something to do with it?" Hye-in asked, pointing her slim finger towards the paper bag.

"Mm-hm, check it out. I guess it's safe to say that I'm sure it's your size."


He cracked a smile. "Yup. Gotta go wash up now, sweetie. I'll have to meet another client later. Probably the last one for today. After that, I'll come back here to take you for dinner then we'll head straight to my house. Is it okay?"

She nodded. "It is. Chill down, busy boy. Don't run yourself out of oxygen."

He chuckled. "Okay, cutie." Then attacked her cheek with another peck before going to the washroom.

It left Hye-in shaking her head with an amusing smile tugged on her lips. How could he call her a cutie when it was actually him whom was adorable? She kept the smile, now focusing to the paper bag in front of her. She carefully took out its contents and found out they were a black thigh-length dress and a pair of matching black heels. The dress was simply gorgeous though; it was tight around the waist, the straps were in medium thickness (which she felt very thankful as she hated thin straps).

Another smile born on her pink lips, yet this one was stronger; this one held pride. Taehyung and Gucci? Always a chef's kiss.

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Je t'aime JeLegend ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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