02 | Good-good Time

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Tap, tap, tap. The fingers which were tapping on each matte lipstick on the vanity table produced the soft tapping sound.

Hye-in pulled her hand away, slightly pouting as she ran out of the idea to make the final choice. Her eyes fixated to each shade of her Hera lipsticks those were arranged neatly in the exclusive lipstick holder again, starting to analyze them all from right to left, then, left to right.

After a few rounds scanning up, her eyes finally stopped and locked down on a shade. She leaned over to pick it up, bringing it in front of her face before a small smile was born. Perfect. The one with a beige color, specifically with the code of 430 and the name of "You Call It Sexy" has successfully won her heart.

She took off the lid, then brought the lipstick closer to her upper lip, letting the tip touch it, then gently rubbed it to the other sides. She did the same to the lower one, then ended it by rubbing her lips together to give it an even tone.

After placing the lipstick back to its place, she spared the last stare towards her own reflection in the mirror. Her right hand came up to tuck the strand of her brown hair behind the ear. Perfect, again. Hye-in was always confident with the gorgeous look she got. Unlike her sister who had a gorgeous slit-eyed, Hye-in got a round, shiny pair of dark brown eyes adorned beautifully by the smooth eyelids, all thanks to her dad. Her nose was pointed well, and her pretty-shaped lips were tinted with a healthy natural pinkish shade.

The sound of notification popped out on her phone made her shift her gaze from the mirror on it. A message was just sent, and she took the phone to check it up. 

Sweetie, I'm here.

Smiling, her fingers went to punch in the reply.

Okayyy I'm going down now.

She reached for the silver color sling bag hanging on the cloth hanging rack beside the vanity and placed the phone in it, just before she stood up and exited the room. She carefully arranged her step downstairs.

She stepped straight to the front door, hoping so badly that she wouldn't bump into anybody or else she would have to listen to those annoying advice again.

The line was all clear until she reached in front of the main doors.


She shut her eyes tightly together as her name was called. There, her beloved, gorgeous sister had caught her. Nice. Anyone could lend her headphones for a while?

Nonchalantly, she turned to look at the older. "What?"

Yeji looked down to her wristwatch, noticing the time just barely reached the noon, before looking up at her again. "Where are you going? Hanging out with that guy again?"

Hye-in, don't argue back. Chill. No mood ruined.

"First, he has a name and it's Kim Taehyung. Second, yes, so excuse me," she answered and was about to pull the door knob when Yeji gripped onto her arm, preventing her from leaving.

"Stop it, Hye-in. You've met him last night. At least two or three days break from seeing him," she said.

"What? Why? Who are you to order me this and that, huh?"

Hye-in pulled her arm away from her grip. She opened the door in a speedy motion before walking out, passing the huge automatic gate to barge into Taehyung's car which was already there.

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