Meet Again

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(I plan on writing chapters everyday til I am finished. Who knows how long this book will be. Thank you for reading)

As a 21 year old college student, my life is nothing perfect. I shook myself from my thoughts and self pity, getting up from my current homework in bed to check the clock. 6:30. I looked at my bed and back at the clock a couple more times before agreeing to myself.

    "I could sleep a little before work," I said before laying back in bed before falling into the sweet bliss of sleep.

    I was running towards him. Tears flowed down my eyes as my feet picked up the pace.

    "Adam! Adam! No! It can't be true." I said before reaching him at the front door of his house. He looked at me with tears glossing over his hazel eyes. He nodded his head and I began to shake.

    "I can't lie to you, you know that. It's true. We are moving to Indiana." He said, tears leaking from his eyes. My knees fell to the ground and my face fell in my hands. Soon after I felt his hands take mine in his and away from my face.

    "You can't leave Adam. I need you here," I begged. He kneeled down to my level.

    "I don't want to leave you Jessica. But I have too. There is no other choice." He said before pulling me in a hug. We stayed in that position for what felt like forever.

    "C'mon Adam. It's time to leave now." We both looked up and saw his mother as she gave us a sad look. We both got up and he walked towards the moving van, getting in the passenger's side. He looked out the window and we stared at each other, both of us afraid to move. I finally had the courage to move, waving at him with tears still falling from my eyes. He waved back with the same sad expression as mine. Before he drove away, he rolled down the window and said the same words that have always stuck with me.

    "We will see each other again one day, I promise."

    Then he was gone. My best friend of 11 years was gone.

    I woke up with a start. Startled by the loud ringing coming from my phone. I picked it up and examined it. It was a text from my boss Elena asking if I could come in an hour early. I gave a quick reply and got ready for work. As I was getting ready I was still slightly shook from my dream. It has been 10 years. Why would I still have a dream about him. The person I haven't seen in 10 years. I shook off the thought and began a 15 minute walk to the Denny's where I work.

    Once I got there I instantly regretted coming in early. We were packed. I took a deep sigh before clocking in and beginning my job.

    For 6 hours I took orders, cleaned up, and faked a great attitude. It was time to go home. I was about to clock out but Elena stopped me.

    "Actually Jess could you cover one more booth for me before you leave?" She said, giving me a pleading look. I sighed.

    "Yeah I can. You are so lucky I don't work the next two days." I said before making my way to the booth she motioned too.

    "Thank you, love you." She said before making her way to the back.

    I rolled my eyes. I didn't look up from my notepad as I said my usual phrase.

    "Hello my name is Jessica. I'll be your server. What can I get you started to drink with?" I said in a cheerful tone.

    "Would it be weird to ask for chocolate milk?" I hid my giggle as I looked up. Shock flashed over me and suddenly I was in a deep coughing fit. I couldn't believe my eyes. The man in front of me was none other than my childhood best friend. His eyes wide in concern he put a hand on my shoulder.

    "Are you okay..." He looked at my name tag, "Jessica?"

    I nodded. It has been 10 years since I've seen him but there's no denying it was him.

    "A-Adam?" I heard myself stutter out. He looked at me confused, taking his hand off my shoulder and back on the table.

    "Yes that's me but how did you-" He was interrupted by me rummaging through my apron for my phone. I grabbed it and opened it to a picture of two little kids, facing it towards him. He squinted looking intently at the picture before gasping rummaging in his pocket for his wallet, opening it to the exact same photo as the one on my phone. I shut my phone off and placed it back in my apron.

    "Jessica?" He asked with a wide smile on his face. I nodded.

    "How have you been? How long has it been?" He asked.

    "10 years! Can't believe you're here." I said, glancing at him. A comfortable silence came over the two of us and I shook it off, remembering I was still at work.

    "You want chocolate milk? Is there anything else you would like sir?" I asked. He laughed at me calling him sir.

    "No thank you ma'am. Just chocolate milk would be great." He said. I smiled at him before walking off to grab his drink but I was stopped before I got too far.

    'Wait!" I heard him say. I turned to face him.
    "Yes?" I asked looking at him.

    "How late are you working? I can stay here and wait for you to get off if you want to hang out. It has been so long." He said with hope in his eyes. I felt a chuckle creep out of my mouth.

    "Actually I am about to clock out for the day. Would you like to-" You were interrupted by him speaking excitedly.

    "I could take you home. My hotel isn't too far from here." I nodded a huge smile creeping onto my face. I proceed on with grabbing his drink. I  made his drink and brought it back to him. He glanced up at me as he took a sip of his drink.

    I clocked out and waited at the counter for him to pay for his drink. Once we paid we made our way outside. I was prepared to go inside a car but was met with his guilty look instead.

    "Yeah sorry I forgot to mention that I walked." He said, shrugging. I shook your head laughing.

    "It's okay. You're lucky I am within walking distance from here." I said before playfully punching his shoulder. I led the way to my house, us talking back and forth the whole way. Catching up on everything we've missed over the 10 years of being apart. Soon we ended up at my home. I walked up to my front door, him following. I turned to him.

    "You know, it was great seeing you Adam. Thank you for walking me home." I said I turned to open my door but I spun around and faced him again.

    "Do you want to stay for a little bit? Watch some TV or just chat?" I asked hoping he would say yes. He smiled at me and shook his head.

    "I would love to but I have some work at the hotel I've been pushing off. But hey Jess?"

    "Yeah?" I asked, still hoping he would stay.

    "I promised you we would see each other again. Goodnight" He smiled before walking away towards the direction of his hotel.

    'Goodnight Adam." I said before entering my small house. A sigh of happiness left my body as I flew myself on my bed.

    "I never thought I'd see him again." I said as I remember my dream from earlier. This is so weird. I thought.

"Maybe it's fate" I whispered before closing my eyes and drifting off.

Fate Brought Us Together // Adam DriverWhere stories live. Discover now