Chapter 8: Uncertainty

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Disclaimer: It all belongs to J.K.R except for my plot.

A/N: It has been a while since I've updated and I have been wracked by both guilt and writer's block. Fortunately for you though, I write best at 2 a.m. and am currently at liberty to stay up this late. It's actually nearly 6 in the morning here


"Why? Why is she doing this to me? I…"

Ginny Weasley stared at her hapless brother with a small pucker of a frown fixed upon her face. Her eyes glinted in the bright morning sunlight as they flickered towards the half open doorway of her apartment. She was expecting Dolohov any minute now and a man with that sort of temper did not appreciate being interrupted and waylaid by his woman's brother. She needed to get Ron out of the apartment fast…she still needed a few minutes to strip down and prime herself.

Dimitri didn't like it when she wasn't wet and ready between her thighs.

But she could hardly be blamed if the man was as attractive as a scarecrow with a nicotine habit.

"Ronald. Merlin, why are you here?" She held up her hand to halt his protests. "I mean, apart from complaining about the bushy haired beaver."

Ron seemed to collect himself, blinking away the angry glisten in his eyes before he lowered the little glass ornament he had intended to break in his fit of fury. Dropping it onto the modern kitchen bench top, he smoothed his fingers over the cool surface as his head dropped forward, his red hair sticking out from every angle.

"I want her back!" The jealousy and envy roiled through him like an unstoppable wave. "I want Draco fucking Malfoy to get his filthy paws off Hermione. She deserves better!" His eyes began to glisten with frustration. "She deserves me!" Ron finished with a panting gasp, his face flushed to an unbecoming shade of red and his fingers tightened around the small glass ornament once more. Lifting it, he pitched it to the floor. It didn't break however; its fall cushioned by the thick fluffy carpet Ginny tended to favour.

She rolled her eyes and picked up the crystal swan, planting it safely away from her brother's grasp on the living room coffee table.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have cheated on her…not that I blame you really…but women tend to dislike it when they come home and find their boyfriends screwing some blonde bimbo in her own bed." Ginny planted her hands on her curvaceous hips and shook her artistically set curls from her eyes.

"Now…I've done my part stating the obvious. Will you please get out? Dimitri won't like…"

"I don't care what your snake of a boyfriend likes! Merlin, I don't even want to know. I just…I wanted to know…" Ron hesitated. "Well, you're a girl right?"

An affronted squeak burst from her before she could stop herself and Ginny clenched her long manicured nails into her palms, digging harshly into her flesh. No point in yelling at the idiot, it would only cause another useless screaming match.

"Yes, Ronald." Ginny assured sardonically. "I am a girl."

Ron frowned. "Then how do you girls think? How do I get Hermione back?"

An inelegant snort greeted his question. "You could start with not sleeping around so often. Or at least, be a little more discreet about it."

"I can't do that!" Ron whined. "I have an image to maintain."

Ginny picked at her nails with a cool nonchalance. "Yes well, Hermione…"

"She doesn't understand! I don't love any of those girls; I love her…and besides, they're just practice, you know; for her, to make sex even better." Ron argued, his head nodding along in agreement with his own statement, his face still the perfect picture of confusion.

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