Chapter 11: An Endless Sunset

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Disclaimer: The characters belong to J. K. Rowling.

A/N: As promised, my fortnightly update! Fourteen days exactly. I admit, I've been putting off writing this chapter because I just wasn't sure how much to convey but now that it's done, I'm pretty pleased with it. I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be and I'm not willing to even guess because a lot of my plots have a tendency to run long to even my own plans and estimations, so it's best to just wait and see.

As for other questions...yes! Blaise is going to find someone. You sort of meet her in this chapter...their relationship is going to be a funny one if I can find enough room in Hermione and Draco's story to elaborate. Pansy and Harry are adorable together, Dimitri is worrying and shall be more worrying in future chapters, and the 2 brat Weasleys might or might not be redeemed, depending on mood.

Happy Easter, everyone! Even if you don't subscribe to the religious holiday, then celebrate the giving and receiving (largely receiving) of chocolate which I believe is a global language.

Mrs. Malone nodded her head seriously as she shuffled stacks of parchment in search of a particular document.

"It would certainly be of benefit to the children. They do long to leave and an excursion to see Hogwarts would certainly motivate some of them to aspire to better grades. Some of the boys are such troublemakers."

"Slytherins in the making, I'm sure." Draco murmured under his breath as he glanced up at the housekeeper from behind his reading glasses. The silver frames slid precariously down the bridge of his nose as he stared at the rows and columns of numbers on the papers in his hand detailing the monthly expenditure of the orphanage; a measly sum by Draco's standards, but enough to make a good life for the children.

The serious pair sat in a sparsely decorated office tucked away in an obscure corner of the new building, away from the noise and bustle of exuberant kids going about their everyday business so that the residents were afforded an ounce of peace.

As Draco's eyes scanned the papers again, ensuring that every calculation was accurate, his mind wandered to his fiancée, whom he had left under the excited care of the children, who were all eager curiosity over Draco's apparent attachment to her. They had nearly shouted their questions as they asked Hermione if she were truly marrying Drake, as many of the children preferred to call him.

Hermione had laughed rather nervously and allowed herself to be towed bodily away from him into the mess of a playroom just beyond the front entrance. Draco had considered following but Mrs. Malone had pulled him aside for their monthly briefing.

The shock and disbelief on Hermione's face was nearly priceless and a smile curled his lips even as he fought it; he had thrown her off balance. Good, he had wanted to do just that.

"Thinking about the miss aren't you, boy?" Mrs. Malone interrupted his thoughts.

Draco dropped the papers into a pile casually, plucking the glasses from his face and folding them neatly before he looked up. "What makes you say that?"

The older woman snorted none too delicately, moving her considerable weight about in the armchair.

"You're smiling like a green boy with his first crush." She said in a knowing tone.

Though a slight pink tinged his cheeks, Draco shrugged nonchalantly and stood, brushing at the invisible creases in his dark jeans.

He didn't deign to reply to the comment, instead he said: "The finances seem to be in order; meticulous as always Jenny."

The older woman clucked at the praise and waved him off. "You could hire a man for such administrative nonsense, boy, there's no need to do it yourself."

Revenge Is All The SweeterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon