Chapter 4: Blood and Madness

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Disclaimer: Not mine. Do I have to do this every chapter? I think the idea is clear.

A/N: You've all been so wonderfully patient…or not…whatever. Sorry for the long delay but I've been a little busy and terribly sick, but I thought I should update before I turn into one of those authors who drive their reviewers insane with two month waits.

Ok…little warning. This chapter is sort of dark. Not really, but just a little.

To my reviewers: Thank you so much! I love you all! I never expected such a huge response but let me tell you, I appreciate it so much, like you would not believe.

Please keep up the reviewing.

If you have questions, ask them, because I answer every single one if I think they're valid.

To Ultimate Auror, thank you so much. I absolutely adored your review. It's nice to have an insight into my story from someone else.

"Do you think he'll tell her?"

Blaise looked over at the two women, their backs turned to the window as they gazed intently into a shallow basin of liquid. The caramel skinned girl looked up, her dark eyes glinting as she gave him a brilliant questioning smile.

He scoffed lightly and tossed a stray curl from his face.

"If Draco has his way, Granger will never find out. He'll just leave her to wonder in perpetuity until she decides that he's simply lost his mind and that the proposal is all one big joke."

The lighter skinned girl stood from her chair, blinking her eyes as she turned to face the sun-filled window.


The Italian didn't bother to meet her serious gaze.


She huffed lightly and perched on the arm of chair, turning her face towards him as she swept a mass of silky blond curls over her shoulder. She stared intently at him, her hand holding his shoulder with an unusually strong grip. Lavender pursed her lips in agitation as Blaise continued to stare unseeingly into empty air.

"We foresaw it, Zabini. If this continues…"

Blaise finally turned to face her, an angry glare fixed upon his handsome features.

"Just because two upstart wannabe seers stare into a puddle of muck, does not signify…"

Parvati smiled eerily, white teeth glinting against her dark skin.

"You should never underestimate the power of divination Zabini. You told us yourself…you witnessed what happened to Malfoy after the encounter. And now…now you've seen the results." She swept her arm over the surface of the intricate basin, her expression smug as Blaise grimaced.

"It passed. It never came back until this stupid law came into motion. If it hadn't…"

Lavender pushed him abruptly, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"But it has. There is no point brooding over it."

His head dropped forward and he made no protest, instead, he remained silent for several moments, his thoughts heard only by himself.

"This is meant to happen! This future must be realised. It's a charming human fantasy to think that we have the ability to choose our own fates, but the reality of the matter is that for a few select few, their path has already been chosen…"

Blaise's head snapped up.

"Why Draco? Why Granger? Why not someone else? Merlin knows Draco has suffered enough during his life; he at least deserves to love the woman he's going to spend the rest of his life with. He deserves someone who will love him…"

Revenge Is All The SweeterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon