Chapter 15: The Moment

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Disclaimer: It belongs to J. K. Rowling.

A/N: The story is getting crazy people! The long awaited proper chapter 14...but let's just call it 15 for convenience.

Hermione was scolding herself, swearing and cursing up a storm as it were, inside her head; not a whisper escaped her lips in fear that she would wake the man sleeping soundly in the large four poster bed. Draco looked like a fallen angel, half swathed in the dark sheets and aglow from the post dawn sun.

He was still sprawled lazily across the bed, his arm resting across the pillow where her head had lain moments before. He would have looked like the perfect picture of satiation if it weren't for the frown marring his lips.

In fact, he'd started frowning the moment she had carefully extricated herself from his grip.

It almost made Hermione smile.

Almost…if she weren't so damned late for work! A grin tugged at her lips as she imagined Genie, her secretary, seeing Hermione in the state that she was in now, hair knotted and clothing askew! The woman was always saying that Hermione needed to get out and have some fun…well…she got her wish! Shaking her head, Hermione knew that she would have to stop by her apartment and simply be atrociously late for work.

Hermione's eyes wandered to Draco's sleeping form once more. Oh heck, it was worth it anyway. She deserved to be shagged senseless by her fiancé once in a while, it was good for the stress levels. Brushing a hand through her tangle of curls, Hermione wandered lazily towards the bed until she was leaning over his prostrate form.

With a flash, Draco's arm shot out and encircled her waist, pulling her down with a firm tug until Hermione was moulded to his body.

"Morning after regrets?" He asked, his body tense beneath hers.

Hermione threw back her head and laughed. "Good lord no, Draco. It's Monday morning and I happen to be late for work."

Draco relaxed in an instant and returned her smile. "Then why were you sneaking off like a little thief, hmm?"

She rolled her eyes as she tried to extricate herself from his firm grip; with little success it seemed. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful and un-slytherin like."

"Good God woman! You sure know how to bruise a man's ego…and after last night, I was hoping for a little praise, maybe another quick tumble this morning as a reward, but what do I get instead? This is some…"

Hermione shook her head quickly and pried herself away.

"No…no tumbles, even quicks ones. I'm very, very late."

"Call in sick. I am." He pouted as Hermione shoved her feet into her ballet slips.

Hermione threw her hands up in the air in frustration as she backed towards the door. "That's easy for you to say. You own the company."

When Draco began to retort, Hermione held her hand up. "No, don't. I'll see you later."

Without another word, she opened the bedroom door and sprinted into the hallway. Racing down the stairs, Hermione called out a quick goodbye to Narcissa's smirking portrait and apparated away as soon as she cleared the boundaries of the Malfoy property.

With a pop, she appeared before her apartment door and quickly unlocked it, running inside. She was pleasantly sore and every movement brought another familiar twinge to mind. She was covered in Draco's scent and the sensation was oddly warming; she almost didn't want to wash it off.

The sticky sensation however, really had to go.

The sound of wings interrupted her reverie and Hermione's head snapped up just in time to see one of the slightly incompetent public owls launching straight for her head. Reflexes still honed by the Great War, she ducked sideways and snatched the owl from the air two handed.

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