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JASMINE SIGHS as she looks at the text she received from Jessica

Annoying bitch
You coming over to night, daddy? ;)

There was no way in hell she could continue doing this, she couldn't not with her feelings for Rosalie, as much as she hated Jessica, it wasn't right.

We have to end things.. i'm sorry.


Jasmine felt a weight lift off her shoulders as soon as she realised Jessica was officially blocked.

No more of Jessica's bullshit. She was finally free.

Jasmine smiles happily to herself as she notices a text notification from the 'Cullens ft Jasmine' group chat


You finally cut things off with Jessica??

Okay what the fuck Alice

I have future vision. You know this.

You break things off with Jess, Edward told Bella we're vampires, now they're dating. Fun.

As Jasmine would say 'Edward is stupid, but Bella is stupider."

I've literally walked in on him WATCHING her sleep?? why the fuck would she date him?

Why won't you date Rosalie?

Who said I won't date Rosalie cus it wasn't me? I would love to date her [DELETED]

I plead the 5th.

I can't believe you.

I won't tolerate this bullying much longer, I will take a bath with a toaster.

No you won't, you could TRY, but we all now Rosalie would save you

I plead the 5th.

Rose, want to come over and watch movies with me? Bella isn't here, I think she's with Jake?? maybe Edweirdo and Charlie is gone to work

Be there in 2.

Jasmine smiles to herself as she reads the text before getting up and making her bed and getting her laptop out, opening up Netflix

Jasmine turns around before jumping in surprise as she notices Rosalie behind her "You scared the hell outta me!" She complains holding her hand to her heart as Rosalie laughs softly

"Not my fault you're a scaredy-cat" Rosalie teases playfully, grinning at the girl.

Jasmine rolls her eyes in faux annoyance and she plops down on her bed and pats the space beside her "C'mon RoeRoe, let's watch some movies."


JASMINE COULDN'T HELP but stare at Rosalie at certain times throughout their binge, wanting nothing more than to kiss the girl and for them to be together

"Rosalie?" Jasmine began softly, as Rosalie turns to look at Jasmine, the two staring each other in the eyes "You're pretty cool for a vampire." Jasmine admits softly, smiling at the blonde haired girl in front of her

"You're pretty cool for a human." Rosalie responds, smiling back at Jasmine, "but thank you." She tells the girl softly

Jasmine takes a deep breathe, as she notices Rosalie's eyes drifting to the other girls lips, Jasmine began leaning forward and places a quick kiss on Rosalies mouth

"I really like you, Jas." Rosalie tells the girl, yet again, Jasmine let's out a sigh as she puts a hand on Rosalies cheek "I know you do, I really like you as well... and well due to recent events..." She pauses for a moment, taking a breath

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Jasmine finally asks Rosalie, causing said girls eyes to widen in shock, "Do you mean it?" Rosalie quickly as she girl, not wanting to spend another moment without her mate

Jasmine nods softly, "Then yes, Jasmine Harper, I will be your girlfriend." Rosalie tells the girl smiling happily

Jasmine felt herself smile genuinely for the first time in years as she leans forward and kisses Rosalie, wrapping her arms around the girls neck

Rosalie couldn't have been happier. She had spent all her life looking for her mate and now, she was finally with her.

and nothing was gonna make her leave her mate, no matter what.


IT HAD BEEN two months since Rosalie and Jasmine had begun dating and she couldn't be happier

She would sit with the Cullen-Hales at lunch, which Alice was more than pleased about

"So, Jassy, what are you getting Bella for her birthday next week?" Alice asks the girl smiling as she watches her adoptive sister lean her head on Jasmines shoulder

"I got her a card with money in it... she's not been to fond of me since Rosalie and I began dating, she thinks Rosalie is either gonna kill me, or her." Jasmine admits softly, but her voice had an undertone of sadness in it due to Bella avoiding her

"I will kill her if she keeps this up." Rosalie sneers in annoyance, glaring back at Edward who heard her statement from where he was standing beside Bella

"It's fine, Roe, it's not as if I like Edward." Jasmine reminds the girl with a grin, "You too are so cute!" Alice squeals, obviously still happy the two are together

"Alice, you've said that at least 15 times today." Emmett points out, grinning playfully at the girl

"He's a point, Al, though you're not wrong." Jasmine grins, ignoring the looks she got from other students as she places a kiss on Rosalies forehead


Can't wait to write heartbroken Jasmine 🥰

you're all gonna ducking hate me this is the ONLY chapter of fluff you're getting it's angst time bitches.

Also do you like my new form of writing?? i like to think i've improved lol

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