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The girl was walking in the forest when she heard a voice behind her

"Hello." The voice wasn't someone who she knew so she continued walking, stranger danger 

"That's not very nice." A different voice said, this time it was feminine, the girl sighed before turning around and saying "What?"

She noticed there was three of them, all of which who had red eyes

"What are you doing out this deep in the woods?" The girl purred, Jasmine fiddled with her sleeves uncomfortably as she mumbled "I'm walking, what do you want?"

"You." Was all the ginger said as she bit into the girls neck

Jasmine let out an ear piercing scream which alerted the blonde vampire who was hunting along side her father & sister, but it also made the normad who attacked her drop her and run, along with her friends,leaving her venom in her system

"Jasmine?" Rosalie mumbled speeding in the direction of the scream, Carlisle and Alice behind her

When the trio arrived, they noticed Jasmine crying on the ground in pain, holding onto her neck

Rosalie could smell a scent of vanpires as she looked at Carlisle and said "She's been bit." panic was clear in her face

"There's only one way to get the venom out and you know that." Carlisle mumbled

"Then i'll do it! She can't be one of us, Carlisle. I won't allow it." Carlisle nodded, he knew that if anything happened to this girl he would lose a daughter.

Rosalie quickly bit into Jasmines neck, sucking the venom out, after a while though she almost went overboard the girl quickly pulled away, as she noticed Jasmines breathing go back to normal

"We should call an ambulance, Rosalie, get back to the house and inform them of what happened. Meet us at the hospital." Carlisle commanded


Jasmine groaned as she woke up, her neck aching greatly, "You're up." Alice mumbled softly, "Where am I?" Jasmine questioned her, confused on who's couch she was in

"You're at our house, we found you lying on the floor in the forest." Carlisle's voice came from beside her

"Do you remember anything?" Jasper asked the girl, his voice stiff and his eyes trained on Rosalie as he attempts to calm her down

"I'm not actually sure, this weird red head said she wants me or whatever and next thing I know, she's bitting me on the neck." Jasmine shrugged as she sits up, oh and they had red eyes she thought to herself

"That's not all, is it?" Edward questioned, an annoyed expression on his face

"Edweirdo, do you honestly think something is missing? all they had was these weird contacts and i'm pretty sure the girl was on drugs." She stated, ignoring the sigh coming from Esme

"There's something we should tell you." Emmett said, also ignoring the sighs and glares shooting his way

"Those were vampires." He added on bluntly, "I'm sorry what?" Jasmine questioned in disbelief


"Look, I'm uh.. going to go home." Jasmine mumbled after the cullens explained everything

"You can't tell Bella." Edward immediately told her as soon as she stood up

"Edward, tell me what I can and can't do, and I will be finding a nice fire with your name on it, you're already on thin ice after how you've been treating Bella." She sneered at him, her voice full of obvious annoyance

"Jas, you can't tell anyone." Rosalie mumbled softly, her eyes trained on the girl, Jasmine looked at Rosalie, her eyes softening when she noticed the worried look on Rosalie's face as she sighed

"I won't tell anyone, including Bella, plus, even if I did, you forget my reputation." She reminded the Cullens, who look at her with an apologetic expression

"Bye." she mumbled as she exited the house


"Can we trust her?" Edward questioned as soon as they know that the girl is gone

"Of course you can." Rosalie sneered, annoyed that Edward didn't trust her mate

"She's human, that's already dangerous enough." Edward reminded the girl, "Oh as if you wouldn't tell Bella everything if you got the chance." Rosalie glared

"Even Carlisle regrets saving her, Rosalie, it would have been easier if she became one of us" Edward told her, Rosalie let out a huff of annoyance, realizing the reason she wasn't getting mad was because Jasper was keeping her calm

"I'm going out, before I end up killing Edward." She mumbled before speeding out of the house quickly

"Couldn't you have been a little bit nicer?" Alice mumbled annoyed

"She is human, Alice, there's no way we can 100% trust her." Edward commented

"Oh as if you don't watch Bella sleep." Alice glared


Rosalie took a breath, something she didn't even need, and knocked on the Swans door

"Hey..." Bella trailed off confused on why Rosalie was at their door

"Is Jasmine here?" Rosalie questioned "Uh yeah.. she's just up in her room." Bella replied

Rosalie nodded as she stepped in and walked upstairs, looking around at the photos that were placed on the wall when she reached Jasmines room, knocking softly

"One second!" Jasmine yelled, as she opened the door, her eyes widening as she saw Rosalie

"Rosalie?" She questioned confused, "Can we talk?" Rosalie sighed

"Uh yeah... sure." Jasmine mumbled as she stepped aside, allowing Rosalie to step into the room and closed the door

"I want to.. apologize." Rosalie said, "I uh.. really like you and everything today was just.. a lot to just throw at you." She told the girl who was sat awkwardly on her bed

"It's.. uh fine." The girl mumbles her voice awkward, "Um, Alice texted me on my way over and was wondering if you still wanted to be her friend.." Rosalie spoke, her eyes avoiding looking into Jasmines

Jasmine nods with a sigh "Look, Roe, I've got to go, I promised Jessica I'd meet up with her."

Rosalie eyes flashed with jealousy, but she said nothing other than "Please.. Jasmine before you go... just know... I would never hurt you, no mater what.. take as long as you need."

"Listen, Rose... I really like you, don't get me wrong but... you're a vampire. I-I know you won't.. attack me... but I... I uh.. need time to think." Jasmine mumbles, placing a kiss on Rosalie's cheek as she walked past


sueiur 17394 years later lmaooo

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