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IT WAS FINALLY the day Jasmine was looking forward to.

Bella's birthday.

The Cullen-Hales had arranged for it to be at their home, and Jasmine was more than excited for the plans she and Rosalie had after the party

"Happy birthday, Bella!" Jasmine heard as she enters the Cullens home, a smile on her face as she walks into the living room and sees Rosalie

"Hey babe." Rosalie says softly as Jasmine stands close beside her side, wrapping her arm around Rosalies waist

"Sorry I'm late, Charlie started asking me a bunch of questions about Edward." Jasmine tells the group who nod understandingly, Bella smiles at her adoptive sister softly "Thanks for coming."

Jasmine shrugs as she looks towards Bella "It's no problem, I left your present at home... sorry." She says awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck

Bella shrugs her off as she goes to open her gift from Esme & Carlisle when suddenly she gets a paper cut "Ow.." She mumbles not noticing Jaspers eyes set on her, but Edward did.

He quickly rushes at him knocking Bella down as he pushes Jasper into the wall, breaking a glass table causing Bella to get a piece of glass stuck in her arm

"Oh shit.." Jasmine mumbles, feeling Rosalies tight grip on her "Carlisle get Bella, Rosalie, get Jasmine out of her." Esme says quickly as Emmett and Edward hold Jasper back

Jasmine had no time to react as she's grabbed and brought out of the house quickly using Rosalies speed, "Are you okay?" Jasmine asks Rosalie softly, noticing the distant look in her eyes

Rosalie just nods in response "Can I stay with you tonight?" She asks Jasmine who nods softly

"Let's get home."


AFTER THE LONG night with Bellas birthday, she did not feel like getting up, but when she noticed the empty spot beside her in her bed, she shot up looking around her room for Rosalie

Jasmines heart dropped as she notices all of Rosalies clothes, that she would usually leave over in her room were gone before noticing a letter placed on her bedside table

'I'm sorry, I had to leave, we all had to leave. We can't be together Jasmine, a vampire and a human won't work. You'll die and I'll be here living forever. It's not fair on either of us.

I'm sorry... You don't deserve this, we're over.

-Rosalie Hale'

Jasmine couldn't stop the tears rolling down her face as she reads the letter over and over

What did I do to deserve this?? She thinks to herself as she falls to the floor and slowly breakdown, trying to fight the urge to pick up a blade

"I can't do this anymore" Jasmine mumbles to herself as she begins rocking back and forth trying to stop the tears but they kept coming

TW/ self harm

But she pauses for a moment, noticing the blade on her bedside table, one she would normally use to open mail

A little cut won't hurt.. She thinks to herself as she picks up the blade and cuts several lines into her arms, salty tears dripping into the wounds


She covers her arms as she gets back into bed and continues to cry even more.

Rosalie left her.

And it hurt so fucking much.

this one is short bc i wanna rlly show y'all how sAd Jasmine is gonna be

that and

well i had another 800 words written n it got deleted

therefore i do not have the energy to rewrite bc fuck wattpad.

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