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hi! so i've seen a comment saying that Jasmine deserves to go back to them and i would like to remind people what jasmine has gone through

-suicidal thoughts
-self harm
-being publicly outted without her permission
-sexually harassed by the same girl
-attempted suicide
-abandoned by her girlfriend
-left alone moments after attempting to die

yes! i agree, Jasmine does deserve something good in her life! I love this character dearly but, she is gonna be going through a major character development!
she WILL go back to the cullens, it's the point of the fic BUT: she needs her time, she needs time to focus on herself, the cullens in her mind are not good for her

she is trying to take care of herself and we will see more of that in future chapters:)

i don't mean to sound rude, but i do write what i want, i write what makes me happy, i write to vent, i write to let everything out, if people don't like my writing? that's fine! but please dear god wait before commenting 'i think....' i completely take in what everyone comments before posting, i am simply just a trans!boy trying to do something that makes him happy:)

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