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it's been two years my bad guys

TW/ SH mentions & alivenot attempt

JASMINE WANTED TO cry, and the eyes staring at her during every period & lunch were not helping.

The Cullens have returned, and Rosalie had tried to reach out but Jasmine wasn't budging. They had broken her and they didn't even care.

She knew they could smell the dried blood covered by her sleeves, especially considering Alice had a hold on Jasper constantly. But at this point, she didn't care if he was going to attack her.

She didn't care about anything.

She looks over at their table, noticing the lack of Bella which confused her until she heard the girl from behind her "Jas" Bella says softly, sitting down beside her, Edward standing a small distance away

"What do you want, Bella?" Jasmine responds, annoyance clear in her tone

"Rosalie wanted me to ask you if you two could talk, she really misses you" Bella says, Edward nodding behind her

Jasmine couldn't help but feel bad as a pain hit her chest, she turns her head to look at Rose, who was staring at her with longing clear in her eyes

Jasmine almost forgave her until she remembered everything, she turns to Edward "You want to give her my response?" She questions, knowing the brunette had been reading her mind

"You can't do this to her" Edward states, as if it would change anything "I can and I will, it's what Bella should have done to you." Jasmine states, before getting up and walking away, no one dared to follow her but Rose sure did want to.


Jasmine didn't just leave the cafeteria, she left the school. It was freezing and rainy, but she didn't care.

She had a plan, she's always had a plan and now was time for it to be put into action.

If she failed, at least that meant she could get help, hopefully.

She pulled out the notes she had written previously and took out the pills she had stashed away before quickly downing them.

It was five minutes before she felt any affects, and for a moment she regretted it as the pain started.

But she quickly got use to it, she longed to grab her blade and cut but she couldn't bring herself to as her vision began to blur, but before she blacked out the last thing she saw was Charlie rushing into her room, Rosalie by his side.

"Rosalie, call your father and tell him we are on our way" Charlie says in a panicked voice as he quickly picks up his daughter and runs down the stairs as fast as he can as Rosalie speed dials Carlisle

"Something happened to Jas, we're on our way to the hospital. Be there, please."

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