How We Met

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-Authors POV-

"yes, i'm already on my way" the cab stopped once arriving to the restaurant making you roll your eyes knowing what it meant coming here.

once both man spotted you they waved at you one more excitedly and the other more tiredly "hey!" 

"hey" you greeted back in a more small voice "what's it? something happened?" the green haired man asked and you sighed "it's not that" and they both looked at each other "i know why we are here, we are always here for the same thing!" they widened their eyes not expecting you to snap at them "well sis it's for your own damn good" you huffed and then smiled back at them "i know i really do but i don't want to date any random guy you guys present me for real i'm sick of it!"

they rolled their eyes, sure they were a couple "well where is he?" Hoseok shrugged and Yoongi pulled out his phone "he says he will be here soon" you both nodded and chatted for a while before Hoseok started to wave to someone behind you "sorry i'm late i had a last minute meeting" looking up you found a really handsome man in a suit "it's no problem" yoongi said and signaled you to move so he could seat "ah you must be Y/N" he smiled and extended his hand for you to take it returning the smile "nice to meet you, but you are?"

"sorry i forgot my manners, my name is Kim Seokjin" and just like that you both wanted a second date.


'he never told me he had such a pretty sister, he never told me i would be meeting such a beautiful person like her, i hope Yoongi and Hoseok haven't notice that i'm nervous, am i red? i feel like i'm burning' all of these thoughts filled Jins mind once he had finally met you "you have a pretty smile" 'shit!' he didn't meant to say it out loud and from the corner of his eye he could see his too friends laughing and he got red as a tomato "thanks" you giggled a scarlet color covering your cheeks, Jin covered his face and sighed looking back at you "do you want anything?" he raised his hand and soon a waiter was on your table "what can i get for you?"

"i just want a glass of water" he quickly said and you chuckled "i'm fine thanks" the man left to get his glass of water and returned back in no time placing his water on the table and jin quickly drank it "you really were thirsty weren't you?" and his ears started to turn red "i- sorry i'm just a little nervous" he scratched the back of his head "so... you really think my smile is pretty?" you said teasing him a little "ah, sorry" he looked at the glass on his hands "no need to apologies" you both stayed in silence.

"do- do you have any siblings?" he looked up "yes a younger one, i would ask the same but i know Yoongi is your brother so..." you shook your head "i have also a younger brother yoongi is the eldest" he nodded and silence again took over both of you.

"is this your first blind date?" he shook his head "no my mom likes to set me on continues blind dates, is this your first?" 

"no yoongi also likes setting me up with random people, i bet he doesn't even know half of the guys he has made me meet up with" you chuckled looking at were your brother and his boyfriend were sitting and catching them staring at you already, making them look away "wanna go somewhere else?" his eyes quickly catching yours  "w-why?" and you pointed at the males looking at the both of you "well i don't think they will stop watching us and i'm guessing is making you uncomfortable" he nodded and got out of his seat and so you did making your way to the door and good thing the pair didn't follow.


"how do you know my brother? you two work together?" you asked wanting to actually know how the hell your brother had such a good-looking friend "you could say that"

"sorry you don't have to answer" he shook his head "no is just... i will tell you later on if you don't mind" you smiled "it's fine"

walking around the park you both finally found a bench taking a seat and staying in a comfortable silence, thoughts of him started to fill your mind, sure he is handsome, seems like a nice person, and totally a gentleman.

after a while more the sun started to settle down and you could feel that he had something to say "you can ask anything" he looked shocked and cleared his throat "is just th-that i- well... it's late" you chuckled "you seemed more confident when you arrived to the restaurant" he looked back down "i only get nervous around pretty girls" he whispered for himself not aware that you had actually heard him making you purse your lips trying to hide the smile he had manage to make.

"i guess we should leave now then" he nodded and you both stood up making your way to the restaurant which wasn't that far from were you both were at "well i guess this is it" he said stopping in front of his car "well if you want we could go out again" you mumble and he smiled "i would like that" you two stayed like that for a little more "well i will be going then" he said and you nodded pulling out your phone "you didn't drive here?" he asked making you shook your head "i can take you home" widening your eyes you looked up at him "no there's no need to i will just call yoongi to pick me up" he shook his head "i really don't mind besides i know well yoongi and i bet he is already asleep" you both laughed and then you agreed "alright"

before you could open the door he did for you and closed it before going to his side and hopping in starting the car and beginning to drive following your instructions.

"is it here?" you gave a small nod removing the seat belt and turning to him "do you mind giving me your number?" 'that was bold girl' he blushed a little and nodded pulling out his phone and so you did "wait here" he said getting out of the car and running to your side opening the door for you and closing it behind you both "do you live here alone?" he asked while walking you to the door "no my brother also lives here" 

"he still leaves here? i thought he had moved in with hoseok" you laughed and before you could answer the door flung open "who are you? why are you with my sister? why are you two late? did yoongi left you? is he disturbing you? why is he wearing a su-" before he could continue you covered his mouth "sorry, and i will answer your questions" saying the second part to the boy in front "yes he moved with hobi, and you don't ask so much questions" the younger gave you a quick nod so you uncovered his mouth "is he your boyfriend?" your eyes went wide and jin started to blush "n-no he is not, just get inside" you pushed him and turned back to Seokjin "sorry, he is jungkook my younger brother"

"don't worry" he flashed you a smile taking a step back "it's cold out here you should get inside" you nodded grinning from ear to ear "i will see you later" he waved and got in his car driving away, when his car was no longer in sight you sighed and got in closing the door and pressing your back against it closing your eyes "did you both kissed?" jumping by the sudden interruption you looked at the boy in front of you wriggling his brows "no, now go to bed i'm also tired" he smiled and made his way to his room as you followed right away getting inside your own.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏 || Seokjin × Reader ff Where stories live. Discover now