Surprise Me

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-Flash Back-

You sighed a smile already on your lips, yet another day came, another day with your beloved boyfriend with whom you had a date later that day.

As soon as you walked out your bathroom towel in hand your phone buzzed in your night stand your smile widening as you read the name on the screen "hi babe" his raspy morning voice calling from the other side of the phone "hi" a soft sigh as you could her him shift on his bed "are you ready for today" Feeling his smile as you hummed in response "I will pick you up from work"

"Okay I will see you then" he cleared his throat neither of you wanting to hang up "later beautiful" now hanging up as you got dressed before heading out tour room to just be stopped rught out of it "Shouldn't you be at school already?" With an annoyed face you looked at your brother who was arm crossed leaning against the wall right in front of your room "you are going on a date with him?"

"Duh he is my boyfriend" rolling your eyes as you started making your way down the stairs to be stopped by the younger "I know, he is nice and all but there's just something he is hiding" with a worried expression making your eyes softening "kook i know he told me a few weeks back" now your brothers eyes widened as he stared at you confused "turns out he is the soon to be CEO of where yoongs works" Sighing setting down your mug the warm coffee in the air "oh" that was the only thing the boy managed to mutter as he stare confused at the floor "surprising I know, he hid it well"

Passing by him you patted his shoulder "I will be heading to the shop now" he nodded before you marched out the door.

Putting on your car before heading to the front of the shop fixing your not so comfortable short black heels standing beside your co-worker "i have a second pair on my locker" she mumbled as the rest went to their spots "it won't be a problem my shift end before lunch" she gave a small chuckle "but I heard Mr.K is coming over for a routine" your eyes widening at the mention of the shops boss "you gotta be kidding me"

"I wish we all know he has a preference for the female workers" she said before the doors slided open the person no one wished was here stepping in "morning everyone" a sly smirk on his face as he looked around the shop before walking to his office.


As customers went in and out your heart beat grew the time of your shift to end getting closer and closer "Ms.Min" at the mention of your name in that voice a shiver went down your spine as you stopped organizing the dresses and turned around to face your boss "how can I help you Mr.K?" keeping a polite smile as he gave a small step forward "well it has come to my attention that your shift ends earlier than usual" your chest tightening at the mention afraid that the man in front of you wouldn't let you go early.

"Yeah is there um a problem with that mister?" Trying to keep your voice steady as he leaned forward making you turn your face to the side "yes, I don't think you should be leaving that early you are one of my best workers" the shop was barely filled as lunch time approached "and I was really hoping to see you at my office" the sound of the shops front door being open made him pull away, a breath you didn't realized you where holding escaping your lips as you looked up ready to attend the customer.

"Welc-" stopping mid way as you saw your boyfriend right in front of you "Mr.Kim I wasn't expecting you here so early" the older man said as he stood close beside you raising a hand to your lower back making you slightly flinch seokjins eyes glued to you as he saw the proximity between your boss and you along the visible tension in your shoulders as your gaze wouldn't move from the ground.

"I had somewhere to be so I decided to stop by earlier" trying to not glance to much at you even though he was getting worried every small glance he gave you "then we can go discuss this at m-"

"Are you okay?" Cutting off the older man as he glanced at your tense self, your boss glancing down at you "she is f-" raising his hand to shut the man beside you "I asked her Mr.K" you gulped slowly raising your gaze to his the hand on your lower back moving to your waist and giving it a firm grip "i-i'm fine" but you didn't give by unnoticed how his jaw clenched his gaze drifting to the man's hand on your waist "y/n"

His voice stern eyes filled with anger you boss surprised "do you know my worker Mr.Kim?" A sly smirk on his face "you can say so Mr.K" muttering through gritted teeth before looking back at you "baby come here" your tall boyfriend said extending his hand as you took it right away, he pulled you closer to him his arm protectively around your shoulders "Mr.K i present to you my girlfriend, who you just had those filthy hands of you on" his voice filled with rage his free hand balled up into a fist "my apologies but I don't think I follow up"

Removing his arms from your shoulders he pushed you behind him standing protectively in front of you "due to your actions i'm afraid I don't want my company giving promotions to a pervert like you" the man scoffed at your boyfriends words crossing his arms over his chest your fist grabbing a hold of seokjins jacket making him look back at you "you okay?" He mumbled you nodding back as rage started building in you "how are you so sure she isn't some gold digger, she was the one insinuating to me" Jins jaw tightly clenched knuckles white.

"It's not my problem your girlfriend is a slu-" a loud slap was heard, your chest raising and falling as you smacked the man across the face "I quit" shocked he looked at you before you walked back to your boyfriend who wrapped his arm around you waist "I will make sure to let the authorities know about how you like to touch your employees" he smirked at the slightly shorter male before walking you to his car.

"Baby are you okay?" His voice softening eyes filled with worry once he had closed his car door, taking both of your hands in his bigger ones "i'm more than okay" you smiled kissing his cheek "I didn't knew he did that to his workers"

Sighing not removing his hands from on top of yours "has he done this before, to you?" You nodded "he does it when he visits the shop thankfully he has never done more to anyone" now you sighed leaning back "Let's go get lunch i'm hungry" you smiled lightening a bit more your boyfriends face "I have just the perfect place in mind"

"Surprise me" he smiled back at you before driving off.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏 || Seokjin × Reader ff Where stories live. Discover now