Our Day

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"Y/n! Y/n! Y/N!!" bey's patience far gone as she hitted you in the forhead "get up woman" you groaned getting up from the couch "what time is it?" You mumbled rubbing your eyes before opening them "11 a.m" she said making you sigh while getting up, stretching before walking to the stairs "I will take a shower" she nodded before starting to wake up the rest of the girls.

Once you where back you found them all in the kitchen taking a seat as Ava handed you a plate "question, why where we in different clothes from last night?" Val asked breaking the silence "I have no idea my friend" bey said making the rest laugh.

"So how are you feeling?" ava nudged your side while eating her food "nervous actually" you chuckled rubbing your palms "don't be you have the best brides maids beside you" chuckling as you nodded at them.

"My head hurts" jungkook groaned as he got up from the floor "here" yoongi handed the younger a pill and some water "I will wake up jin" walking beside the bed giving small smile leaning down and not so hard slapping the man "ow!" Jin jumped up holding his cheek "we are late hurry!!" He faked making jins eyes go wide as he hurried to collect his things "don't lie" Hoseok scolded stopping the rushing man "he is joking it's still early" jin sighed Plopping back down on the soft mattress.

"You weren't like this before" he complained now wide awake "you weren't dating my sister before" giving a smirk before walking to the small couch "how are you feeling?" Taehyung walked up taking a seat beside his brother "excited, I finally get to marry her" all the eyes moving to him as he smiled down "well! You better start getting ready, and eat something today is yours and my sisters day i don't want you fainting"


"I can't do it, I can't do it, he won't be there" you kept pacing around muttering those words to yourself your dress swaying as you kept walking "y/n. Shut up" bey said with full honesty standing up and grabbing your shoulders "you can do it and he is gonna be right at the altar waiting for you" you sighed tightly shutting your eyes "okay" nodding "yup I can do it!" You shaked your shoulders as you kept nodding to yourself "there we go!" Your beautiful brides maids Cheering.

"Y/n?" Your step dads voice coming from the other side of the door "honey are you ready?"

"Yeah!" He croaked open the door "it's time" you hummed the girls going before you letting the man in "oh my you look beautiful" he fondly smiled while all you could do was fidget "why are you so nervous? This is the day you had always dreamed of" he walked up to you holding your hands "i remember how after your moms and I's wedding you kept talking how you wanted to find the perfect man to share that day" a smile tugging at your lips "and seokjin is that man he has and still makes you happy, I'm glad you both met" your eyes shining making you whine "dad don't make me cry"

Fanning your eyes to stop the tears while the elder man laughed patting your arm "alright alright, now let's go we don't want jin to be more nervous" he chuckled leading you to the doors.

The music starting your pink dress swaying with your steps your brides maids setting on their seats while you and your dad got closer to a wide smiling seokjin, just in time he held out his hand reaching for yours your dad giving a small nod to Jin as he handed you to him.

The Wedding felt like it was already finishing as all you could was glance into your lovers eyes "who would like to go first?" You both where snapped out of your thoughts as you opted to go first and give your vows.

"So we are finally getting married" you both laughing "honestly I was really nervous when this whole thing started, but I'm happy because finally I get to be with you no matter what and... I just love you so much and that made me walk up to you without freaking out and running out of that door" he nervously chuckled your hold on his hands tightening "I'm really happy to be here with you because we have gone through enough to be where we are today... mom used to tell me how some relationships end but because of the lack communication"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏 || Seokjin × Reader ff Where stories live. Discover now