chap 3

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" wow look at the results from the exam " mic said " wow the first student didn't even have rescue points " midnight said " he took down those for villians like an ace when most of the examines were running from the big obstacle he stayed focus on the smaller ones -"  " on the other hand the 7th place student had no villian attacks" midnight said someone else replied until they were interupted " but look at the third runner not only did she get her points in she also has rescue points and she ran out to save that kid I think it's her brother and she didn't even know that they had their robot attack and she arrived in time to help the other kid save him , now that's a talented student " recovery girl said

Izukus P.O.V

After I opened the acceptance letter he finally got in touch with me again " hi All Might " I yelled as he spit up blood " you loud kid !" He said and a couple noticed " no way All Might is here? " &" Where ?" He started scolding me " way to blow my cover, say it was a mistake !" He said " I was jus kidding nothing to see here " I yelled waving my arms as we sighed and spoke abit .

Izumi P.O.V

" Izumi, Izuku you both all set " mom asked as me and my brother tied our shoes " yes mom " we said in Union " izuk you sure you didn't just pack action figures right " she said making me chuckle " I have everything we gotta go we can't be late " I kissed her cheek " Izuku , Izumi " she called out we looked at her " what!" I smacked my brother for being rude " yes mom " I answered " I'm really proud of the two of you " we both smiled .
" We'll see you soon " we headed out and ran in together down the halls.

" Class 1a ,1 a damn where is it ". Izuku mumbled I giggled and pointed to it " there!" He says it like he's the person who found it I rolled my eyes and stood next to him a smiled " this is it bro " I said " man this thing is huge did they make it for Giants here " I chuckled at my brothers anticts " the most promising students in the country are behind this door " I saw he seemed nervous so I placed my hand on his shoulder " and if you stop stalling so will we " we looked in and my smile grew .

" Take your feet off that desk now! " Said a blue haired kid then I heard the worst voice expected " huh ?!" It was backugo " it's the first day and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you creatine !" Blue guy said " your kidding me right your old school put a stick up your @$$ or were you born with it " bakuh0e replied blue bird seemed shocked " let's start over I'm tenya iida from the somay private academy " he greeted " somay huh so you must think your better than me I'm gonna have fun tearing you up " iida seemed shocked " you would treaten me your own class mate , are you sure your in the right place " iida said we fully entered " it's them " the whole class looked at us Izuku was basically trembling " uh hi " izu said " yo " I answered iida rushed over " good morning my name is tenya iida  " he looks like he's marching " y-yeah I know " iida froze .

" I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is my sister Izumi Midoriya it's super nice to meet you " his voice abit of nervous in it and I gave a small salute to iida " Midoriya's you both realized that there was something more to the practical exam didn't you , you both must be very persetive and I completely miss judged you both , I admit as a studentd you two are far superior to me " I blinked " um I find that hard to believe " bro mumbled" yeah I was just trying to keep everyone safe enough so we could continue " I said " but how did you know Midoriya needed saving? " he asked " long story short he's an idot, but a good one " I smiled " hey I recognize that messy hair falling boy and Izumi " we turned to see Uraraka " hey Uraraka " I said smiling she started complimenting us and I saw izuk blush and I smirked .

I saw red hair " Kirishima!" I basically tackled him " you made it " he chuckled " yeah I can't believe we're in the same class now " I let go and smiled I saw someone in the doorway, huh " hi I'm shouta Aizawa , your teacher " I can't believe this ' this guys our teacher ' he dug inside his bag thing " right let's get to it put these on and head outside " he said with the same tone . We got dressed and I tied up my hair with a yellow ribbon I had on me and headed out "what a quirk assessment test?!" Basically the whole class but me yelled I kinda expected this they started talking about something and I spaced out .

" Backugo you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam , what was your farthest distance throw with soft ball in junior high " I snapped back my attention ' I have to use my quirk for this ' I thought ' no nononoNo' looked across at Izuku ' no I won't do that to him I can't ' I said to myself ' you won't have a choice you may try to resist me all you like but one way or another you knew this would happen !"  She's right but, I still have to try " 67 meters I think " backugo said "right try doing it with your quirk, anything goes just stay in the circle , go on your wasting time " he replied backugo stretched and got ready " alright man you asked for it " when he finished and it showed 705.2meters everyone gasped then I got lost in my own world called worry

Sir said something about being expelled " the way this'll go I hope it's me " I mumbled to myself . He did his speech and I got ready and sighed first we ran he called me up with purple haired guy I just sprinted so I didn't need my quirk I didn't use my quirk for the second one and I sighed in relife , for long jump I didn't use my quirk cause I'm great with it so I'm really happy of how it's going so far for the side to side I didn't do aswell but still now for the throw ' $*it I may actually need my quirk for this ' I thought I froze and watched Izuku go first .

Sir stopped him and I watched what they were doing I saw Mr. Aizawa bring izuk closer and I couldn't help but growl then I saw him let go and I still growled . He looked back and I gave him thumbs up and watched as he threw and major wind currents came rushing back and I basically sacream and I tackled him in a hug " you have a trucking quirk " I yelled at him then it was my turn '  finally ' I chuckled maybe I'll add some wind  magic  .
I threw and hard as I could dropping everyone's jaws as the meter read 809.5 I chuckled softly and went over to Izuku " so were you gonna tell me about your wonderful quirk " I asked " were you gonna show me yours " he replied  .
" The two of you, Izumi fricken got 809.5 meters and her brother did over 700 meters !! that's crazy !" Everyone was talking about and I looked back to see bakugo staring at us with his mouth wide open ' what the hell was that, if they had quirks they would've gotten it when we were kids, this is impossible, they're up to something , I'm gonna get to the bottom of this ' . Backugo started running towards us  " hey! B*tch, deku you bastards tell me how you did that or yal dead " I got ready to break his nose again when Mr.aizawa stopped him " what , why the hell is your damn scarf so strong "

" Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alouid , stand down , it'd be wise not to make me use my quirk so much , it gives me serious dry eye " they class said something I walked off with izuk and I basically smiles the rest of the day we finished up and everything was kinda ok just Abit tired but no complaints .
" Alright time for your results I've ranked you all from best to worst you should probably have a good idea of your where your standing already I'll just pull up the whole list -" I spaced out Abit and looked at something in the distance then looked at the screen to see I got 6th and izuk got 21st my smile faded . " And I was lying no one's going home , it was just a rational diseption to make sure you did your best " he said we started screaming at him " are you out of your mind!!" I yelled this b*tch they said something and we went back to the class .

Then finally time to go home me iida and izuk were walking together " hey wait up you three !!" It's Uraraka I smiled and grabbed her hand " finally not the only girl " I said " oh it's infinity girl " iida replied " I'm ochaka Uraraka let's see you are tenya iida , Izumi and your name is deku right Midoriya Izumis brother " she said I giggled " deku?! " He seemed really shocked " um yeah isn't that what backugo called you , during the fitness test he said ' deku you bastard ' right " I chuckled at her antics not funny but how she said it " well my name's actually Izuku deku is what kacchan calls me to make fun of me " he said nervously they talked about something but I heard someone say something and looked around " Deku It Is "Izuku screamed  " huh?" I have no clue right now " just like that , weren't you saying that it was an insult ?!" I'm still confused as hell. Then we walked together to the station .

Num 2 hero Izumi Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now