chap 5

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Izumi's P.O.V

I watched with a small scowl at backugo ' maybe we could kill him in the future ' ' oh my god no ' damn this sh*t all might explained everything and me and Kiri nodded honestly we hadn't talked in abit I decided just not to worry to much I'd most likely end up scolding my brother anyways so I sat in the corner . Listening to the others words I bit my lip getting deep in thought . Sue me I'm worried .

I heard all might saying something so I ran to the screen and saw that a large explosion happened all might called Izuku multiple times but I didn't wait a second more to have a teleport circle around me as I was now standing somewhere close to it I ran to find my brother " IZUKU !!" Some small cleared up and I heard Abit of panting as izu's body came into sight " All might said to stand back bi**h !" I heard backugo's voice ring I growled " Are You Trucking Insane!!! You Could have killed Him ". I yelled I'm pretty sure everyone else could hear me by now " head back sis " I could feel my defect side coming out and headed back growling as all might called me over everything was dead silent for a minute .

I know All Might is about to say something but I stop him " say Nothing " simple he seemed to understand and carried on at this point I'm sorry for who ever is gonna face me . I didn't bother to watch since I know I'd just be more pissed off if I did .

I heard everyone talking again and blocked them out til I heard aloud crashing of things and looked to see izu was ok sorta and a small smile formed on my face " he did it " I murmured .
After everything I didn't walk home with Izuku I walked into the woods and trained yes I calmed down Abit but I was still pissed get over it , I summoned some reppers as my eyes turned red " let's have some fun " .

Yes I know I don't seem like I belong and I don't I'm not supposed to even be here .
Anyways reppers are just alittle something I accidentally made when I turned ten no one knows about them thankfully they are what help me stay sane in this wonderful world . I don't care if I seem like a villian cause I kill what I create but I don't care plus I always had something I believed in .

' when we're young we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villian , a good and evil , a saviour and a lost cause
??? & Izumi : but what if the only difference is who's telling the story '

Sorry it's short and not that good most of this was for deku but I just didn't fell like it so sorry it's so crappy hopefully next time it'll be a better one see ya losers , Stay safe it's a damn treat!!

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