Flooding Ohio *Austin Carlile*

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I stood side-stage at the concert unseen. I didn't want him to see me. He doesn't deserve to see me. He ruined everything. I shouldn't of told him that. I shouldn't of trusted him. I shouldn't of called him mine. We were about to take a big step and it's gone. All our hopes and dreams. Or my hopes and dreams. I loved the man who is singing his heart out on stage. I still do. I always will. Never will I stop. It's too much for me to stop. He may of been an ass or and jerk, but I will never stop. 

I doubt he still loves me, he told me he never wanted to see me again. I obeyed. It's been a year. I broke the rules, again. I couldn't stay away. I just couldn't.  I needed to see if he's changed. From the looks of it he hasn't. Not one bit. Same tattoos. Same smile. Same look. Same eyes. Same everything but his hair style. he looks so happy with his fans. They look happy too. But I'm not the same Rae. I changed. My hair is longer. I'm a natural brunette again. I have aqua tips again. My weight is different. I mean, I'm skinner. I have more piercing and tattoo's. My style has changed back to what it was 3 years ago. Punk rock-girlie. But Austin hasn't changed. That's one thing I'm scared of.

If he hasn't changed, did that mean he still loves me? Does he cry every night like I do? Does he what all the pain to go away like me? Does he regret it all like me? I just want him back but he hurt me. I-I don't think I can handle it. He was an ass to me. He cheated on me with my best friend. I don't talk to her anymore because of it. I hated her for. I still hate her. I always will. I don't get why he did it...

"Okay, guys this will be our last song for tonight. This song is the one I wrote about... R-Rae.." Austin spoke calmly to the crowd but the last bit he started to break down. My mouth was probably on the floor. A tear falling from my eye.  He wrote that about me. I-I must be dreaming. He couldn't did that..

"You guys know the story and I regret every last second of it. I-I miss her like crazy. I.....I-I really d-do. Before I get carried away, let's do this!" He sniffled and pointed at Alan to start. I can't breathe. He literally wrote it about me. He does miss me. He does regret it. But why? 

They finished the song and said their goodbyes and ran off stage. A security guard came over and led me to their dressing room. I sat down and wait for them to come in. I can't believe I am doing this. I'm going to successfully meet Austin with crying my eyes out. I hope I can do this. Let just hope.

"Guys there's a fan in the dressing room..." The security guard spoke quickly.

"Thanks Ron." A voice that sounded like Austin spoke. I gulped. 

All 5 guys walked in. Alan sat down in front of me. Tino and Phil mirroring Alan. Aaron sat on the arm chair and Austin took a seat next to me. I gulped again. Austin shot me a questioning look. He could tell I was nervous. I could see he was worried. Those browns eyes filled with it. A tear fell from my eye again. 

"Are you okay......?" Alan asked. He dragged it out, I'm guessing he wants to know my name. I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm just happy to see you guys a-again....." Fuck! I choked up on the end. I'm gonna start crying aren't I?

"Your a fan I see?" Tino asked. Phil hit him in the back of the head. He spit out a curse word and shot him a glare.

"What the hell was that for?!" Tino spat.

"Of course she's a fucking fan. Why else would she be here?!" Phil hissed.

I laughed. Alan, Aaron, and Austin joined me. Tino pouted while Phil just laughed at his expression. Tino flicked him off. 

"What's your name?" Aaron asked. Austin looked down at hs phone because it vibrated. He was distracted so let's see if it works.

"....R-Rae.." I whispered. Austin's head shot up Alan's eyes met Aaron's, shock filling them slowly. Tino and Phil stared at me like I was a ghost. I gulped. Yep, it worked.

"Is that r-really you?" Austin stuttered. I sighed and nodded. He bent down and held his head in his head. Alan looked at me again. Still shocked.

"Rae, you've changed...." Alan smiled. "I like it.." I smiled. he got up and held his arms open. I gladly took the hug. He hugged me tightly. 

"He's missed you s much Rae, every night he breaks down during that song. He can't sleep at night..." He whispered in my ear. I froze. He pulled back and smiled at me I returned the gesture and took a hug from Tino and Phil. Aaron hugged me. He wouldn't let me go. I had to pry myself away form him. I was laughing the whole time because he kept holding me tighter. He finally gave in and let me go.

"We missed you so much Rae, you- you don't understand how happy we are to see you." Alan laughed. And with that Austin stormed out the room and slammed the door. Phil sighed.I told the guys to stay. I ran out after him. I saw him walk in the direction of the stage. I followed behind. He knows I'm there. He stopped in the middle of the stage and stops. I run behind him and wait. He turned around to face me. He had tear stains on his cheeks. His eyes were red a puffy. He opened his arms and gave me a hug. I ran int them with no hesitation. I couldn't hold int he tears anymore. I just let it all out. Austin broke down too. I have never seen him cry before. Let alone be hugging him while he cried.

I felt safe in his arms again. Like nothing could hurt me. It felt like it was only me and him in the room. You only get that feeling when your in love. So maybe Austin is the one. Just maybe. He just stood there and sobbed into my shoulder. I did the same. I felt needed in his arms. Like he made me feel like something. Something that mattered. Like I'm meaningful to him.

"Rae....I-I missed you so m-much. I'm sorry I f-fucked up, I should't of d-did it...." He sobbed. That made me cry harder. He really did care.

"I never stopped loving you. N-Never... I....I-I just recently got out of my depression because you left. I-I never left my apartment for days on end. I didn't eat, didn't sleep. i couldn't without you..." Okay. Now I'm sobbing like a baby. I Don't care what people think. I need Austin in my life to cooperate. I really do. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry..." He pleaded. 

"Austin.....I-I love you too...." 

"Y-You do? Even after all the shit I've done to you?" He asked pulling away. I nodded. He smiled brightly. His smile was the best thing in my life. And it still is. he hugged me again. He picked me and and spun around in a circle. I giggled like crazy. I haven't laughed in so long. Not since that night in New York with him. When he almost killed my cat with a champagne bottle. My poor cat has PTSD now.. I still laugh about to this day. 

"Austin, Put me down I don't want to die from laughing!!" I screamed. He stopped and put me down, flashing me a apologetic smile. Then he looked down at my lips. And back to my eyes. Then my lips. And repeat. He leaned he slowly making sure I didn't mind. He was centimeters form my face.

"You know, your eye's have that same sparkle in them like that day I first met you.." He smiled and met the last gap. I immediately kissed back. Like when we first kissed. Fireworks. Now. Fireworks again. We still have that spark. And I'm happy about that. He let his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him pass. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, Which of course he won. He finally pulled back and he rested his forehead on mine. I was gasping for air as the same as him. 

"It was just like the first time we kissed...." He smiled.

"Fireworks.." We said in unison. We both laughed. 

"Will you give me another chance?" He questioned.

"How about a maybe?" 

What do you guys think? This is my Austin Carlile story. This is a scene that will happen at the end of the book. But in Austin's POV. But should I continue...? Let me know..

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