|Part 2|

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Y/n POV:

I look at the DM and see this. "Hey y/n, right? wanna collab sometime?" What? I'm I reading this right? "On what?" I ask. He replies shortly after with. "Maybe stream some minecraft together" Wait, really? "Oh sure lol when?" He then responds with. "Maybe tomorrow at 8 pm EST?" "Ok sure sounds great!" I say back. I then shut down my computer and go to sleep for the night. I feel like this is a new beginning for me, but I don't know what the beginning leads to.

Jschlatt POV:

So... I'm collabing with someone I barely know, huh. Well that's strange. Why am I doing this again? Jesus my life is changing right in front of me. Am I simpi- NO SCHLATT WHAT. I only thought of Y/n for hours and I look on my Twitter timeline. I see Cooper responding to something Y/n said. Welp, I know her account now so I'll just follow her. It was 11:30 pm, I need to seep. Now. I tried to sleep but only thought of Y/n. Damn it man.


Y/n POV:

I start to set up stream when I noticed that Schlatt followed me on Twitter. I follow him back. After getting ready, I still had time to kill. 5 more minutes until the stream. I call Schlatt and go deaf and mute so chat won't hear anything. A couple minutes later, it was time. We first started with making a house, which Schlatt made and was kinda small but good enough. I went mining and when I came back I saw my bed and his together 😳. I laughed and put the ores in one of the chests and then slept in the bed, he then joined me. The entire chat went wild right when he said "So this is what it's like on the other side." Which made me almost pull a Carson laugh. He then joined me with the laughing. The rest of the stream was just a bunch of one dimensional pickup lines and dicking around in the game. We then ended our streams, but stayed on call.

Jschlatt POV:

After the stream we just sat in silence until Y/n said "We should do this more." I agreed with her. Somehow we stayed on call for a while until 1 am. We talked for hours about twitch, gaming, then she sent me an image of ship art that was already made only a couple hours after the stream. We both laugh. "It's pretty good art though..." I say as she laughed. That laugh, so pretty- woah there partner. Do... do I like Y/n? We both ended the call. It made me sad when she said she had to go sleep though. I would talk to her for hours upon end if I could. That's it, I'm not denying it anymore, I like Y/n.

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT WHATTTTT. lol anyways this one is ok I guess but this is just the beginning.

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