Nick Bosa- Yoga

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"Babeeeee" I drag as I lay on the couch.

"If you say you're bored one more time I'm gonna lose it." Nick sighs.

"There's nothing to do, I'm gonna go crazy here." I pout.

"I wish I could help kitten, but I'm as bored as you are." He sighs.

"Can we do something fun?" I ask.

"Like what?" He asks as he channel surfs again.

"Let's do those couple yoga poses!"

"Hmmm." He thinks out loud. "Nah."

"Please." I beg.



"Babe look at me, I'm not the yoga size."

"C'mon we'll make it work!" I pout my bottom lip out and give him my best puppy eyes. He stares at me for a couple seconds because a smile appears.

"Fine." He says.

We get dressed in athletic clothes and go to the backyard where we set a blanket down and prep.

He stands in front of me and his stance makes me laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Looks like we're about to fight." I giggle.

"We can fight." He nods coming over to me. I laugh as he flips me down on the blanket.

 I laugh as he flips me down on the blanket

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"Nick!" I laugh as he helps me up.

"Sorry." He smiles as he leans in to kiss me.

"Let's start off simple, get on the floor and lift me up with your legs on my hips." I instruct.

"Oh I know this, my mom used to do it to me, she called it a helicopter." He smiles as he lays on the floor.

"Ok so you should be an expert." I laugh.

I hop up and he fails to catch me correctly causing
me to fall on my side.

I hop up and he fails to catch me correctly causing me to fall on my side

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I try to talk but my laughing takes over. He reaches over and laughs in the crook of my neck.

"Sorry." He says.

"Hmmm I sense a trend." I painfully say.

"Come we'll do it the right day." He promises. I get up and take the leap of faith because I trust him.

"You're doing it

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"You're doing it." He excitedly says.

"Next one." I say showing him the next.

"So we have to make a box." He says in his mono tone voice making me laugh. We reposition ourselves and I think we have it until I feel his hand come up and tickle my side causing me to laugh and lose my balance.

"Nicholas stop

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"Nicholas stop." I laugh as he continues to tickle me.

"Ok ok, let's do it again." He says.
I get up and he holds my feet but I can't seem to create the 90°

"Babe push my legs forward."

"What if you fall?" He asks.

"Push my legs." I argue.

"Ok." He sighs.

"Have you have enough now?" He asks as I fall on my back again

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"Have you have enough now?" He asks as I fall on my back again.

"Yes I'm tired now, let's go nap."

"Thanks for convincing me, it was a lot of fun."

"I don't believe you." I smirk.


"You're so monotone." I drag making him laugh.

"Oh yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah." I pout.

He catches me by surprise and kisses me.

"How's that for approval?"

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"How's that for approval?"

"Did you just Spider-Man kiss me?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.

"Spider-Man what?" He asks.

"We're going to watch the movie." I scoff dragging him inside the house.

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