Nick Bosa: Family Pain

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"Baby can you hand me the salad?" I ask Nick.

"Ha, baby." His dad John laughs. "Remember when it was Nicky?" He teases.

"I knew this would happen." Cheryl joins.

"Guys." Nick annoyingly says. "Stop, shit gets old."

"Oh, we're just kidding." His mom smiles. I swear if I knew I'd be quarantined with this family when Nick asked me to come visit I would have passed.

"Can I have the salad now?" I ask again, since Nick didn't give it to me.

"Did you guys know you'd eventually date?" Joey asks. "Like, I'm sure you guys saw it coming, we all did." He laughs.

"Yes Joey we always thought we would date. We made a timeline and planned everything out." Nick aggressively responds.

"Relaxxx Nicky." His brother antagonizes him.

"Okay, we're gonna go." Nick says dropping his fork. He grabs my hand and takes me out with him.

We get in his car and he drives.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Anywhere they're not." He sighs. "I'm sorry they're being weird." He apologizes bringing the back of my hand up to his lips.

"It's okay." I assure. "Nick we've known each other our whole lives and now we're dating. I'm sure they're just trying to wrap their heads around that."

"It's so annoying," he huffs. "I don't like being made fun of."

"Honey it's your family, relax." I smile.

"I guess." He huffs.

"Now let's go back home, we're not supposed to be out."

We get back to the house and he leads me right to his room. I change my clothes because we went outside before laying on his bed. He turns on his TV and plays The Office. He lays his head on my belly and we watch a couple episodes. I run my fingers through his hair, sometimes I miss his long hair, it made this more fun.

"I'm hungry again." He says after our third episode.

"Babe all you do is eat." I tease.

"Well what else is there to do?"

"Trueeee, I want popcorn."

We enter the kitchen and I see Cheryl chopping up some fruit.

"Back with different clothes, you naughty children." She smirks. Oh my goddddddd.

"Mom, we're adults stop making it weird." Nick responds as he opens the fridge. "And where is my chocolate chip ice cream?"

"Joey are some of it."

"Some of it or all of it?"

"Big boys gotta eat." Joey taunts coming into the kitchen. "You'll know that once you grow some more."

"Fuck off." Nick laughs.

"So, when did the brushes start?" He asks making Nick roll his eyes.

"Since middle school, but we were scared the other didn't feel the same way and played wingman for each other until sophomore year in college when we confessed our feelings at the wrong time stopped talking for a bit then reconnected in California and we've been dating for a year." I quickly explain.
"Anymore questions?"

The family looks shocked I told them everything, nick and I are private people, but enough is enough.

"No." They all mutter shaking their heads.

"Thank you for that." Cheryl smiles awkwardly.

Nick kisses my forehead and when I look up they're staring.

"You wanna keep making fun of us?" I ask knowing the answer. "One comment a day each." I suggest, making them all laugh.

"That works." Nick reluctantly agrees. This is gonna be a long quarantine.

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