Jimmy Garoppolo- Quarantine and Chill*

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"Please." He begs making me smile.

"No, there's a lockdown in place Jim, I'm not getting arrested for you." I laugh off.

"But I'm so bored and alone."

"I told you to get a girlfriend." I tease.

"How do you manage to be alone all the time?"

"Well I'm a surgical resident, so that makes for great company."

"Ok I'm sorry I'm just a football player and I don't know anything about school."

"That's ok Jimmy."

"No now you hurt my feelings." He teases.

"Oh no." I dramatically sigh. "What ever shall I do?"

"You know what I like."

"We're not 16 anymore." I laugh.

"Hmmm no that's the only solution to this wound."

"Ughhhh" I groan.

"I'll see you in 20."

"Yeah whatever." I laugh off before hanging up.

I go to the kitchen and grab the ingredients for cannolis before heading over to his place.

"Hi." He smiles after opening the door.

"Hey." I say before entering his house.

"Did you get arrested?" He mocks.

"Shut up." I laugh.

"Give me a hug, don't be a stranger." He says opening his arms to me.

"No." I warn putting a hand up. "6 ft Jimmy, come on you know this." I sigh. "Actually, I brought some clothes; do you mind if I have a shower?" I ask.

"Of course not, go ahead." He nods. I know it's a little excessive but I'm paranoid and I would die if I happen to give Jimmy Mrs Rona, not because he's a starting Quarterback in the NFL, but because he's my best friend.

After my shower I change into shorts and a band t-shirt I know he hates.

"So." I sigh seeing him on the couch. "Cannoli time?"

"Yes please!!!" He makes me laugh.

"I got the music." He says as I prep the ingredients.

"You know." I start. "I'm not always by myself."

"Oh? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" He teases.

"No, but I have friends."

"Mhmm." He dismisses.

"How do you like being home?" I change the subject.

"It's great, I wish Niners would change cities and be the Arlington Heights 49ers." I make a face and shake my head at the name.

"Everyone misses you when you're gone."

"I know, I miss them too." He sadly says. "I miss you the most of all." He adds to my surprise.

"Sureeeee." I drag as I pipe the filling into the cannolis.

"Why don't you ever believe me?" He asks. 

"I don't know." I tease before airplane feeding him a fresh cannoli. He wants to argue but his eyes close and he melts with my cannoli.

"And boom, you're no longer mad at me." I smile proudly before taking a bite of it myself.

Quarantine with Jimmy Garoppolo {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now