chapter 1

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(a/n: as promised, here's the other gumirin fic)

I'm prepped and ready for the day. With my backpack swung around my shoulder, I make my way to my bus stop. The breeze glides against my face, giving my hair an exclusive style only provided by the wind. Behind me, I can faintly hear a pattern of fastening footsteps. The pitter-patter stops right behind me.

"You look drunk with your hair all messed up like that." I hear a friendly, low snicker behind me, belonging to none other than my longtime friend: Gakupo. He has lived in my neighborhood practically forever, so we've always walked to the bus together. At first we couldn't stand each other, but that's how most sibling-like bonds bloom.

"Yeah? I bet yours doesn't look any better." I turn to face him, and find myself corrected. His abnormally luscious hair is tied up into a ponytail, as usual. I gape my mouth for a second, speechless, until I speak up, "Well, never mind then."

"Uh-huh, that's what I thought." He stretches his arms up and yawns, "Anyways, have you heard the news?"

I hypothetically scroll through my memories of any "news" as we continue walking to our bus stop, "What news?"

His eyes seem to dilate in surprise, "You're serious? You haven't heard?"

I laugh and shrug, "Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about."

"We're getting a new student in our homeroom! I think someone said she's a transfer student from overseas."

I flick his forehead, shaking my head, "You should know better than to listen to what anyone says. You really think we're getting a transfer student from a different country? I don't even think those programs exist in real life."

Gakupo flinches at my sudden action, rubbing his forehead as if it actually hurt him, "Gumi, those do exist! I literally heard our teacher talking about her coming on Wednesday, whenever that is."

"Today is Wednesday, dumbass." I continue with a sigh, "I guess we'll see if she's actually from overseas or not, if she's even real."

"Okay, of course she's real. Stop being so realistic, it's scary."

"Fine, fine."

"I wonder if she's cute...."

"Dude, let's at least meet her before you think about whether she's cute or not!"

"Whatever." He playfully huffs out.

We've finally reached the bus stop, the wind still blowing through my hair, running against itself in a marathon. Sooner than later, the bus arrives, and Gakupo and I sit in our seat. He eventually scoots to a different seat to hang out with Kaito and Yuuma.

I don't think there's actually a transfer student from overseas. That's a bit over the top, if you ask me. If she is from overseas though, then I wonder from where! Europe? Africa? Antarctica?! No, Antarctica is a bit much. Interrupting my thoughts, I hear Gakupo and Yuuma cackling in the back of the bus. I smile a bit; it's nice to see him happy like that. I rest my head against the window I'm near, but it rattles too much for me to rest peacefully. I can't wait to get to school and meet this person; if she's not real, then I just get bragging rights over Gakupo. That'd be great! Instead of dwelling on the future, I sneak to the back of the bus to sit with the group of boys I know so well. We laugh and chat, but it all gets cut-off by the sound of the bus stopping and the scenery of our school appearing in the window.

"I bet I can beat you guys to the school entrance!" Kaito smirks.

"Oh, yeah?" Yuuma stands up and rushes to the front of the bus as far as he can manage, before he gets squished by everyone else trying to leave.

"So, Gumi, you ready to meet this girl?" Gakupo raises his eyebrows in a playful way, "I bet she'll fall head over heels for you once you show her your love for carrots."

I furrow my brow, acting offended, "Hey!"

He laughs from the bottom of his heart and stomps his foot; he does that whenever he laughs too hard. "Just joking, but, hey, you never know!"

"Yeah, yeah." Of course my face goes red at the thought, but now I'm just being hypocritical. I dismiss the thought as soon as it comes into my mind, and make my way off the bus with Kaito and Gakupo.

In the distance, I see a boy with pink hair and a beanie holding up an L in our direction. Typical Yuuma. The boys standing beside me bid me farewell and run to the front of the school. I let out a content sigh. I feel serene.

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