April 12,2020

3 1 0

Dear Journal,
You see I don't understand myself and my thoughts let alone someone else. I don't know how this is gonna go but bare with me. I'm going to be honest I have broken up with every boyfriend I've had and you may say "that's horrible, why would you do that" well it's because I was and am scared. I'm not ready to be someone's everything. I mean I don't know what I want. What if I'm the only one who is really in love in our relationship? What if he doesn't believe in love like I do and wants to I don't know see other people? What if he gets tired of me? People always ask why I don't have a boyfriend, well it's because I'm picky I say when in reality IM SCARED. I mean I have so many flaws and imperfections I don't know how or even if someone could love me. I -I don't get it but maybe that's cause love isn't for me. I'm young and don't really put myself out there so I'll never know. Also don't tell anybody but I have low key just felt alone you know. Like I've always felt lonely but lately with this quarantine stuff nobody texts or calls me to see how I'm doing. I always have to be the first to text. I'm just tired of waiting for something to happen that I know isn't going to. Well thank you for listening to my rant about relationships.
Lil Mang Out

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