Chapter 3

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Kyle pulled out the cake and watched how Cartman smelled it then tasted it. Soon enough, he was digging into the sweet food. Kyle went on to washing up the equipment thoroughly and saw Poof sitting beside him. "Hey Poof." Kyle said, stroking her with his dried hands. They head butted each other then the ginger laughed. He secretly loved cats, their purr and adorable meows.

Cartman scoffed. "Marry her." He joked and Kyle rolled his eyes.

"If it wasn't for me. Anything else you'd like?"

"'If it wasn't for me?' Explain."

"Anything else you'd like?" Kyle repeated in an impatient tone.

"No, what did you mean?"

"I'm going to check the bathrooms. Just eat you're cake."

"No wha-"

"Drop it i..I don't like to talk about it." Kyle then walked away, hiding his face a bit and avoiding eye contact. He walked off into various rooms, exploring, then just stood in 'his' bedroom. He slowly lowered his body and let a tear fall from his face. Why did he say that? If Cartman found out he was gay, he'd taunt him forever.

He quickly got up, though, when he heard footstep approach his room. He grabbed a duster from the bucket of cleaning supplies and dusted his shelf. The door opened and he dared to look at the big, taller figure. He ignored his demands to listen to him and cried silently more. He resisted to being turned around or faced.

He went over to the bucket again and started sweeping the floor. A hand grabbed the end of it. He tried to tug it away but nothing happened. He had gotten stronger. "Kyle, listen to me." He said in a caring tone and got closer to him. "Whatever's wrong, I'll drop it. I don't want to upset you so bad you won't listen to me."

"Sorry. It's just that I don't like talking about..that." Cartman's eyes widened when he finally understood.

"I know what you're talking about. I don't know what's happened, but I won't talk about it. I'm bisexual by the way, so don't feel so bad about me judging you." Kyle looked up at him and smiled sadly.

"I bet you're messing with me, aren't you?"

"No, I swear, I am. But I've got work to do so just get started on dinner when you can, clean this old room up, and I'll ring my bell if I need you." Kyle sniffed.

"Fine..whatever you say." He resumed sweeping and Cartman walked off. Could that be true? Was he really bisexual? Even if he was, it didn't mean that the fatass would be any nicer to him.  The room was dirty, to be fair, so it was a good place to go. The floor was dusty, the bed was unmade, he felt like a maid. Oh well, butlers were meant to do whatever the other wanted.

The shelves were empty and the bed was a nice leather designed double bed. There was a few sheet choices in the same corner as the bucket so he chose a nice light, pastel green. Green was always his favourite colour, that would probably never change. There was a few bits of tape, seeming to mark something. Furniture?

He didn't touch it but was soon done with his bed and basic cleaning so he walked downstairs. He looked in the shelves and found some chicken and vegetables. He placed everything on the counter and looked in the book again. He knew how to cook, but he just wanted to check for some good recipes.

He found one for breaded chicken and started tearing and blending some white bread and rolling the chicken in it. Strangely, he wished that Cartman liked him as a butler. He didn't want to be with anyone else because it would probably be an old man, waiting to tell his life story. He sliced the vegetables and put everything in an oven and just sat on a seat by the counter.

He saw a shelf named 'alcohol' and decided to look in it. He was amazed. Expensive whiskey down to wine and beer were all nearly sorted with shot glasses as well. The glasses were in shapes of cat and human skulls, he wouldn't be surprised if he gave one to his cat to drink with him.

He closed it soon after checking the expensive and fancy brands then went back to cooking. The smell of the chicken was incredible and fresh so he wanted to make sure he didn't ruin it. The vegetables were boiled so they weren't greasy then he let it sit until Cartman wanted to eat it.

"Cartman, I made you're dinner." Kyle called out, seeing how Cartman came from the living room with Poof following him. He smiled at the smell, like he did with the cake. Kyle served him up a big portion then leaned against the counter, his stomach growling.

"I don't pay you to starve." Cartman said and looked up. "Eat. But you're going home in an hour or so, so don't get too comfortable."

"Thanks." Kyle got a serving as well and sat next to a Cartman. The brunette took big mouthfuls but the ginger, instead, took small ones. He didn't want to seem rude or messy, the complete opposite to Cartman. "So um..about the deal."

"Yes?" Cartman gazed at his unsure face.

"I would like to stay, if that isn't too much trouble."

"No of course not. Just get packed tonight and move right in with me. I'll pay you're mother's medical bills as soon as you get settled in." They both looked out of the window as a familiar BMW approached the mansion. "Looks like you're rides here. I'll clean up, and I hope to see you tomorrow."

"You will. And thanks again for doing this."

"My pleasure. Now run along, I don't want you to get too attached to me."

"I'm only being nice because I have to. Don't forget how much I hate you."

"Stop speaking through you're ass."

"If I'm speaking from my ass then the source is my heart." Kyle picked up his backpack which held his extra clothes then he walked out. Cartman watched him and smiled wide.

"You silly Jew. You're nice to be around too."




Kyle instantly flopped onto his mattress and checked the time. 8pm. He yawned but stared at his suitcase for about 10 minutes before finally getting up and packing. He didn't have much, he sold everything expensive but kept family valuables.

He only really had clothes and jewellery to pack then just lied back down and sighed. Did Cartman have a gym room? If he did then he would be in luck, he'd been wanting to work out for a while now. He remembered seeing a bike or two at the back of the living room so the other was probably at least a bit sporty.

He had changed from being a lazy, so fat, poor, asshole to quite a mannered rich man. Kyle thought that it was all for show, just to lead him into torture and hell. What if he trapped him and murdered him? What if he abused him? What if he made him do crime with no choice and a bullet with his name on it? He probably had a gun, a person so rich.

He knew he still had evil in him, it was his nature. He was still name calling, yet he had a friendly charm to himself. He seemed more respectable and gentle towards things.

Kyle just tucked himself in and closed his eyes. Hopefully tomorrow wouldn't be as bad as he dreamt of it being..

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