Chapter 14

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Kyle was sat in his room, on his phone to his mother. She was about to go into surgery and he wished her luck. Cartman was acting a bit weird, maybe a jealous weird, but he decided to ignore him. Everything was quiet, no one was talking and he was all alone. He was bored so he walked downstairs to see Cartman watching tv.

He walked into the kitchen to make some lunch, a fruit salad, then ate it soon after. Still, no words. "Hey uh, I made some fruit salad if you want it." Kyle called out but saw a bottle of beer be tipped up, the brunette chugging away. He rolled his eyes and walked over to him, snatching it from his grasp. "You're pathetic, what's up with you? You've been acting so weird lately. Did something happen?"

"Fuck off Kahl! I just wished it was me who fucked your last night, happy?" Cartman tugged it back and took another chug. He was totally wasted, burping every so often. Kyle was disgusted by his behaviour and slapped him on the cheek.

"Snap out of it! I hate it when you're drunk, I've discovered. What the hell's wrong with you, you're so sad!"

"I saw those messages you- you..ugh where's my mam? Mam, Kyle's being a fat cock again!"

"No, what messages? Eric, answer me!" Kyle turned the tv off and stood in front of it. Cartman swore at him and flipped him off.

"Get the fuck out of the way you cunt!"

"Don't call me that, what messages?" Kyle spoke in a bitter tone, lightly wrapping his fingers around his neck.

"Ahh! Alright, alri-" Cartman was cut off by a burp and laughed his ass off. "You really liked me when we were kids. Always talking to Stan on the phone and texting him."

"How would phone. You took it, didn't you? When I walked away, you looked at my conversation, MY private conversation, and found out I liked you when we were kids. You're such a nosey asshole! Oh my god I can't believe you, you're a big fat bitch!"

"Don't call me..ugh..fat you..whore. Sleeping with Craig when he has a boyfriend, you slag."

"I didn't want to! I knew it was a bad decision I..oh what have I done?!"

"You're a whore, you just don't know it yet. You're only saying you're asexual because you end up getting betrayed after sex. You're the pathetic one, a sad loser. Get you're ass out of the toilet and face reality! You're just scared to face reality, you!" Cartman then threw up all over the carpet and Kyle burst into tears.

He ran out of the door, running wherever he could. He traveled through town, the woods, all the way to Stan's house. He knocked on the door harshly and was happy and relieved to see his old best friend.

"Dude, you look like shit!" Stan mocked playfully and Kyle fell into his arms, crying his eyes out. Stan didn't know what to do for a second, but soon hugged him back. "Hey, hey, calm down. Come in, sit down at the table. Butters is over and Wendy's out with Bebe shopping."

Stan lived in a lodge, half an hour away from Cartman. It was in the middle of the woods, but visible because of the gorgeous hedges and log roof and walls. He had a beard growing slightly, not a full on one but a stubble.

Butters was seated at the table already, sipping on some iced coffee. He was wearing a baby blue cropped hoodie, no top, and some cute fabric shorts. His hair was messy as he had just come back from Kenny's and they always have little playful fights.

"Heya fella! Are you alright, you look pretty bummed out." Butters said and walked over to Kyle and rubbed his back. He let him cry into his shoulder, hugging him tightly. "Let it all out buddy, just tell us what's wrong in you're own time." He worked as a therapist, so he was pretty good at this whole situation.

"Cartman..he..he saw what i messaged you in school; Stan. He knows that I used to like him, he called me a whore because I slept with Craig, he knows that I'm secretly a whore, what am I going to do?" Kyle choked out, both boys now hugging him.

"I'll do you some hot cocoa, Kyle, and we can talk in a few minutes." Butters suggested and Stan took him over to the table. He was always good for him, always loyal, gentle and caring. Butters boiled the water again and put a sachet of hot chocolate in a heart covered mug.

"When did he say all of this?" Stan asked, rubbing the gingers back slowly.

"Just..about half an hour ago..I ran straight here. He's drunk, I don't care about him right now. This all started out as a job..then he confessed he was just lonely and wanted a friend..and now I think I have feelings for him. But me and Craig..that was last night, A one night stand. We were both lost, felt abandoned. I knew it was bad as he has Tweek, and I told myself I only did it because it would help him, but I regret it. It's caused me so much confusion, so many questions. I don't love Craig, I kind of like Cartman, but being called a whore because of last night really hurt."

Butters gave him his drink, sitting next to him. "So you knew that Craig was with Tweek?" Butters asked. "What was he doing in the first place? What happened?"

"Kenny came over, got drunk and high with Cartman-"

"Kenny was over at his last night? He told me he seeing his family..I'm sorry go on."

"I don't like drunk people so I went out for a walk, and I saw Craig outside of a shop. He had no where to go after arguing with Tweek and I didn't want to go back. So, I invited him over to my mothers as she was at the hospital, she's fine. Then he kissed me, and I kissed back. It all led to a one night stand and yeah. But he knows I'm not asexual, I'm just scared to show my sexual side as I get left alone in the end. But Craig didn't leave me, that just made me feel safe and loved."

"Do you still like Cartman? Really? He sounds like a dickhead!" Stan scolded but Butters slapped him softly. "Ahem, what I meant was do you really think it's best to stay with him? He seems pretty toxic when he's drunk."

"Of course I do. I'm happy that I didn't actually get with him, I would react worse to this if I did. But thanks for talking to me, guys. I feel better already."

"No problem bud." Butters said. "If you ever need to talk, I'm usually here as I live a few minutes away."

"I will, I never knew you guys were neighbours."

~~2 Hours Pass~~

Kyle got a ride from Butters back to Cartman's. They exchanged phone numbers then Kyle walked inside of the mansion. Cartman was crying, punching a pillow. Kyle looked concerned at him and sat by his side. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks red too.

"Cartman, what's wrong?" Kyle asked, suddenly feeling his body be pulled into a tight embrace.

"Sorry for what I said." He replied and Kyle kissed his forehead.

"It's okay, I feel better now. But you're drunk, why would this hurt you so much?"

Cartman showed him his phone. A message from the police...

US Police Force: Hello, Eric Theodore Cartman. We are afraid to inform you that you're mother had passed away in a car accident. (Seen 5 hours ago..)

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