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Harry knew Niall was joking when he said to give Louis a call, but he was sad and lonely and needed someone to talk to. He hadn't spoken to Louis in person for two years, not since he went to Harry's concert in 2018, but they had kept contact through texts messages and a few nice pictures. Harry knew his feelings for Louis were still there, but he didn't expect Louis's to be there still too. He has a child and a girlfriend! How could Louis still like him? Harry thought he moved on.

Maybe Louis thought he had too.

"H-Haz? What're you doing?"

Harry couldn't take it anymore. He knew he shouldn't be doing it, but the sun was breaking through the night and hit Louis's face just right. His eyes twinkled as Harry leaned in closer. He watched as Louis froze, but he didn't care. He missed the feeling of Louis's lips on his, a feeling he hadn't felt in five years. He mumbled softly, an inch away from Louis's face and stared into his eyes.

"Kissing you."

And he did. Harry leaned in and tenderly placed a kiss on Louis's slightly chapped lips. Louis wasn't kissing back, he was frozen and disappointed; Harry pulled away. He knew he shouldn't of kissed him, but he couldn't help himself any longer. To his surprise, Louis placed his hands on either side of Harry's face and pulled him back in, whispering.

"I never said you should stop."

Author's Note

Thank you for giving this a read! I had a dream last night that sort of spurred this and I wanted to write it because I thought it was cute. Anyways, first chapter should be up soon? I'm still writing A Rose By Another Name, by the way! I know I haven't updated in a few days... just sorta got major inspiration for this story! Again, as I said in the other book, this isn't gonna be god tier writing as this is only for fun, I'm an inexperienced writer, and I'm not going back to edit the chapters before I post. ENJOY!

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