Chapter Six

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Hour Six; five a.m.

*there will be talk of self-harm in this so if you are uncomfortable with that then skip when you see asterisks again!*

Louis had fallen asleep on Harry. His fringe fell just before his closed lids, intertwining with his long lashes. Harry wanted desperately for Louis to awaken, only for a moment, so he could see Louis's sparking blue eyes. However, Harry let Louis sleep. It was late after all. Louis had arrived roughly around twelve to one a.m. and six hours later, it was nearing sunrise. Watching the sunrise had always been something Harry and Louis did together in the band to keep themselves grounded. It was the one time they could kiss on a rooftop without paps catching them, although Liam did warn them that one day their early morning kisses would be caught on camera and their little secret would be exposed. Harry and Louis never cared, it was Simon who wanted their relationship hidden anyway. But Harry hadn't watched the sunrise properly since he broke up with Louis in 2015. Maybe he should break that and watch it this morning.


Harry groaned, carefully pulling his phone out of his pocket. He had hoped that Niall would have gone to bed, but evidently neither he nor Liam had done so.

Niall: hows it going boys

Liam: Is everything alright

This little "Larry sesh" was so random...

Niall: eh whatever it's larry

larry is larry and I love larrying so I will larry happily in my larry lair

Liam: My brain hurts reading that

Harry: You're both idiots.



are we interrupting something ??

Niall: oh lordy THEYRE HAVING SEX

Harry: Louis is asleep. Kindly, shut the fuck up before the notifications wake him up.

Liam: just turn his sound off

Harry: His phone is in his front pocket. I'm not going to get close to there without permission and him being asleep definitely doesn't count as getting permission.

I'm not waking him up either.

Niall: we love a respectful king

i stan

Harry: I'm not a "respectful king" or whatever that is. I'm a decent human being that isn't going to accidentally touch something he doesn't want touched.

Niall, you've been on social media too much. The teens are corrupting you.

Niall: being a respectful king is basically the same thing-

and they aren't "corrupting" me they are word geniuses

Liam: Can Niall and I come over tomorrow?

Niall: oh yes !!

we can all hang out again like old times

sit back

have a beer

or beers

play some old songs

share some new ones

and talk about your larriage

Harry: The fuck is a "larriage", Niall?

Liam: OH OH Nialler I've got this one !!

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