Chapter Four

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Hour Four; three a.m.

   Going live with Louis had been the most fun Harry had, had in awhile. Eventually, Louis had given in to Niall's pleas and added him into the live, but not until he had finished his second beer for the night. They hadn't got drunk, only slightly buzzed which was proven to be enjoyable for the fans to watch. They had finally started to let loose toward the end of their streaming time, after Niall had been kicked out of going live with them, and Harry could help, but smile at the memory of him and Louis making tea together.

Harry got Louis to giggle on camera. Giggle. It surely didn't go unnoticed by the fans and that just made Louis all that much more bashful for the rest of the night. He had become a red, blushing mess in a matter of seconds and Harry grinned as he watched Louis attempt to hide his face in his hands. Harry had nudged Louis slightly too hard while stirring his tea and the utensil slid out of the cup and fell out of the floor, causing Louis to pout. Because of Louis's pout, Harry laughed loudly, throwing his head back and covered his mouth with his large hands. Louis couldn't keep the fond smile from displaying on his face. What snapped them back to reality was seeing Zayn's comment: It's nice to know that you're still ok. To the fans, it might've appeared as though Zayn was mentioning the fact that he hadn't spoken to them in forever and was happy to see that they were happy, but Harry and Louis knew otherwise. Zayn still thought they were still together.

"Haz?" mumbled Louis, looking up from the telly.

Harry and Louis had put a movie on to help pass time; neither of them wanted to be alone, so Louis never went home. Harry smiled softly at him and pushed his hair out of his eyes. It was getting long again, coming almost down to just below his ears, and if he was honest he had begun to miss it. The reason he had cut his hair in the first place was because everytime he combed through, it reminded him of Louis's running his delicate fingers through his curls late at night because they couldn't sleep. After the breakup, Harry was heart broken and he knew that if he didn't get rid of everything that reminded him of the love they once shared, he wouldn't make it.

"Hm?" hummed Harry, pulling his hand from his hair, which he had unknowingly begun to play with and twist.

"Where the- um... Where's the loo?" asked Louis quietly.

Other than the livestream, the two had been speaking extraordinarily quiet to one another. Harry felt that if he talked any louder, it would make this situation more real and he didn't want to lose the dreamy feeling his stomach gave when Louis looked his way or the quick pace his heart ran when Louis's fingers brushed against his arm accidentally. He felt like if they did anything more than whisper, he would realize he wasn't dreaming anymore and he was worried that he would begin to push Louis away, not wanting to allow himself to heal from the broken mess Louis had left behind years ago.

"Down the hall, second door on the left," answered Harry, pointing to the door that was left slightly ajar.

"Right, thanks."

Once the bathroom door shut, Harry released a sigh he hadn't realized had been kept in. The movie had been paused, so Louis wouldn't miss anything and Harry wasn't sure how much longer he could go pretending everything was alright. Nothing was okay. Harry felt torn. He wanted to kiss and hold Louis as they fell asleep on the couch watching the telly. Harry wanted to kiss Louis's tears away when he couldn't be strong anymore and he wanted to hold his hand again. He wanted Louis to run his fingers through his hair as they whispered sweet nothings and he wanted to laze around in their underwear on an early Sunday morning and do nothing, but smile fondly at one another. He wanted to tell Louis he loved him and he wanted to press soft kisses to his nose.

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