Chapter Seven

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Hour Seven; six a.m.

  But Louis wasn't a cheater and that was something he prided himself in, so he found himself pushing Harry away and wincing at the hurt look on his face. Harry kept hold on Louis's elbows, not yet ready to let go, and watched Louie's dilated pupils shrink and enlarge in confusion.

   "I have a girlfriend," whispered Louis, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry, but I can't- I can't do that to her."

   "Then break up with her," pleaded Harry. "I won't kiss you again until you break up with her, if that's what you want."

   Louis swallowed thickly and nodded slowly. "Just let me do it in person. She deserves more than a text or a phone call."

   "Can I at least cuddle you?"

   How could Louis say no to Harry's puppy dog eyes? The giant was towering over him, lip pouty and eyes softened.

   "I'd love to."

  And Harry smiled joyously, taking Louis into his arms and peering over the balcony.

   "I haven't done this in years," mumbled Louis against Harry's chest. "I wouldn't- couldn't."

   "Me neither," Harry murmured in response. "But most of it was because I was too hungover to get out of bed before eleven."

   "I'm sorry-."

   "I'm doing better now. I only drink if I get into a really bad place and even then I've conditioned myself to call someone instead. I think that's why I called you really. I usually call Niall, I just felt like I was becoming a burden-."

   "You could never be a burden, Hazza. You aren't a burden."

   "That doesn't stop me from still believing I am," sighed Harry. "But I'm content now. I'm happy, actually, more than happy. I mean you're hugging me, how could I not be."

   "You've gone soft, love," Louis laughed softly.

   "I have not," scoffed Harry. "That wasn't me. That stoic expression wasn't me. That was a protection from everyone else. X-Factor. That was me and now I can finally go back to that. I'm not as insecure about who I am anymore. I've found myself as an individual, now. This me in the right here and now, is me."

   "I've missed you," said Louis, hugging Harry tighter. "I missed you so bloody much, Harry."

   "Can I kiss your cheek or is that overstepping?"


   Harry placed a single tender kiss to Louis's cheek, but he had missed out on so many other face kisses over the past five years, so he found himself kissing Louis's other cheek and his forehead. He kissed Louis's chin, which tickled from the scruff on his face, and his perfect nose. When Louis's eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the moment, Harry placed pecks on the outer corners of Louis's eyelids. Harry pulled away from Louis's face and buried his head in his neck.

   "Niall and Liam want to come over today," chuckles Harry softly. "If that's alright, of course."

   "I'm leaving in a few hours anyway, so I'm not even sure if I'll be here when they come."

   "I forgot you had to go pick up Freddie and Briana."

   "I think I'm just getting Freddie actually?" questioned Louis, yawning. "Briana texted me before the plane took off and said that her friend might be picking her up instead and that she might just be there to hand off my son."

   "Are you going with Eleanor to the airport?" Harry mumbled against Louis's soft skin.

   "Yeah," whispered Louis. "But I'll talk to her. She'll understand. I hope she'll understand. She's coming to get me at ten, if that's alright. Figured it would have been easier for her to just come get me instead of driving all the way back to hers. We'd have come back this way and passed you to get to the airport anyway."

   Harry nodded, not wanting to speak any longer. His eyes begin to droop and he exhales heavily, lifting up his head to yawn, just as Louis had moments before.

   "Nap?" asked Louis, laughing.

   Harry only took Louis's hand in his with a lazy smile and drug him toward his bedroom; the couch was beginning to grow uncomfortable. Harry forgot how messy his room had been, but he was also too tired to care. He and Louis collapsed on the bed, blankets and sheets tossed every which way.

   "Geez, when's the last time you cleaned in here," joked Louis, throwing his arm over Harry's body and fitting his own body around Harry's backside; it was like second nature to be the big spoon while cuddling.

   "Eh, can't 'member," murmured Harry, sleepily. "Liam cleaned las'ime."

   "Liam cleaned?" asked Louis. "Why?"

   " 'ungover." Harry giggled; he was often told that he told more than he would have tired than if he was awake. "Li said I was very destructive last time I got drunk. Dunno why, I wasn't angry."


   "I think I saw the rings on my nightstand..." Harry reached up and grabbed Louis's draped hand, taking it into his own and rubbing it carefully. "Wasn't supposed to tell you that."

   Louis lifted his head enough to see two familiar silver rings. He pressed a small kiss to Harry's shoulder and laid his head back on the pillow, sighing.

   "You kept them?"

   "Yeah. I couldn't throw them out, they meant too much- and were too goddamn expensive." Harry laughed at his afterthought and so did Louis. "It's okay, they're pretty rings to look at."

   "It shoI'll still be on my finger, if I wasn't such a bloody prat."

   "You're a pretty bloody prat though," whispered Harry. "So, you get a free pass."

   "Can I- Can I have it back or is that- Is it too late?"

   Harry reached over to his bedside table and lifted the rings up hesitantly. He rolled on his back, eyes nearly closed, and lifted his arms straight to look at the rings.

   "I haven't put mine on since you took yours off."

   Harry took Louis's right hand and kissed it before slipping the ring on his finger without a second-more of waiting.

   "I said I'd always wait for you," said Harry, putting his own ring on and curling into Louis's chest. "I'd never take back the words I said to you in 2013. I'll always be here, even when you're lost and can't find your way back home." Harry's words began to slur together and he paused for a moment. "You bring me home."

   Harry's breathing began to even as he pulled Louis's torso closer to his. Louis pressed his lips to Harry's forehead and finally allowed himself to close his eyes, sleep taking him over. He could feel Harry's hot breath on his cheek and had it been anyone else, he would have scooted away, but this felt right with Harry. He always felt right with Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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