Chapter Three

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Hour Three; two a.m.

   Harry watched as Louis made his way to the door as the bell was rung. Their pizza was just arriving. Suddenly, Harry feels a buzz coming from his trouser pocket and he pulls his phone from it.

Niall: having fun lover boy ? ; )

Harry: Shut the fuck up Niall.

Leave me alone, the pizza just arrived.

Niall: the husbands got pizza

oh joy

you should go live on insta that would break the fucking internet

Harry: No.

Niall: yes

Harry: No.

Niall: yes

Harry: No!

Niall: Y E S

Harry: Hell to the fucking no.

Niall: youre just accepting early defeat because you KNOW my livestreams are superior to yours

always have and always will be

Harry: You know what? I'm making Louis go live with me and we'll sing old One Direction songs together!!

Niall: you cant see me but I am GASPING !

you wouldnt dare

Harry: I would. Now, I've got a certain man to convince to go live with me.

Niall: when he says yes and you guys go live you better add me into it

Harry: No.

   Harry smirked triumphantly and Louis looked at him oddly as he popped the cap off his beer. Louis took a bite of his pizza and handed a slice to Harry, the box laid out on the coffee table.

   "Niall thinks we should livestream," laughed Harry. "Thinks it'll break the internet or something."

   "It probably would," said Louis, laughing along with. "I mean c'mon mate, you barely post as it is and suddenly you're going live? Once word gets out that I'm in it, the fans will be having a field day!"

   "Should we though, that's the question."

   Harry and Louis looked at one another closely. They didn't want to say yes when the other was secretly not wanting to do it, but in Louis's mind if Harry genuinely didn't want to, he wouldn't have brought it up. Harry would have easily ignored Niall's request and would have just told him to fuck off.

  "I'm down if you are, it'll be like the good old days back around the X-Factor. We used to live stream together all of the time." Louis grinned, memories playing through his head. "Let's do it."

   Harry smiled excitedly and hopped up, grabbing a few things around his place to prop one of their phones up with. Louis moved the pizza over and Harry places the set up in between them.

   "I could go get my guitar," suggested Harry. "Niall thought it would be fun idea to play a few songs together, probably One Direction, maybe a few of our solo stuff..."

   "Yeah, that sounds brilliant!"

   Harry walked toward his bedroom and threw his door open to grab his guitar off its stand quickly. He knew why he was, but that didn't make him any less conflicted. He needed to get a hold on his obvious excitement before the livestream started, otherwise he was sure a certain... community of fans would pick up on his behaviors.

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