Chapter Five

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Hour Five; four a.m.

They weren't sure when they had begun their cuddling fest, but it had been going on for a while now. Harry was sure that Louis had scooted closer to him, nuzzling into Harry's side, but if you asked Louis, it was Harry that moved over and wrapped his arms around him. It was all platonic cuddling, obviously, but nonetheless, it made the boys feel warm and safe in each other's embraces.

Harry had begun to notice that they often fell into comfortable silences, but he didn't want that. He wanted to listen to Louis speak for hours on end, rambling about anything or anyone until they fell asleep in each other's arms. Louis only snuggled closer to Harry as they watched the movie on the telly. Every once in a while, Harry or Louis would chuckle at what was on screen. Harry successfully got Louis to agree to watch Mean Girls with him.

However, what he didn't know is that Louis had always secretly had a soft spot for the movie knowing that Harry loved it so much. Truth be told, Louis had made a habit out of watching this movie every so often when he was missing Harry's embrace as he fell asleep. He would make himself tea, exactly how Harry liked it, and he would put on an old hoodie of Harry's that Harry never got around to getting back. He would open his laptop up to a picture of himself and Harry in the early days of One Direction, before they were told they couldn't be close anymore and he'd lay down in bed, watching the movie as many times as it took him to fall asleep.

"You smell like a baby prostitute," Louis mumbled along with Janis.

He chuckled softly, the vibrations tickling Harry's chest. If it hadn't been for Louis mumbling along to the movie the whole night, Harry wouldn't've thought much of it.

"How much have you watched this movie?" Harry questioned with a loud laugh and Louis looked up, blushing.

"Way too many times to count," whispered Louis, laying back down on Harry. "Way too many."

"We can watch something else if you're bored of it," said Harry with a sigh. "I don't want to make you watch a movie you've seen a trillion times."

"I like this movie," answered Louis and that was true.

He was never one for movies like this, he used to despise them growing up in a house full of girls, but over the past five years of watching it, he had grown to appreciate and love it.

"Ok," murmured Harry, rubbing circles on Louis's back.

He wanted to question Louis further, but he knew that if he did it would push Louis away from him. He didn't want that. So, instead, Harry watched as Louis's lashes fluttered with each blink, his blue eyes glittering under the soft light filling his flat. Louis's red lips were parted and every so often, he would wet them with his tongue, focusing on the screen ahead. Harry's heart pounded in his chest as Louis's hand met Harry's hair, twisting it in his fingers. He wasn't sure if Louis was aware of what he was doing, but Harry never wanted it to stop. Louis's eyes crinkled as he smiled at the movie screen, continuing to quote the movie from start to finish.


Louis jumped slightly as someone sent a message to him and Harry chuckled softly. Louis pulled his hands away from Harry's hair and blushed, realizing what he had been doing.

"Sorry-" said Louis, pulling his phone out of his pocket- "it's just Briana."

"Briana?" questioned Harry. Why would she be messaging him so late? While he knew she lived in LA with Freddie, she should know by now what time it is here.

Louis only nodded and opened the message. "I, um, I'm supposed to go with Eleanor to pick them up. I've got Freddie for a little while before tour starts."

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