Chapter Seventeen

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MAEVE WAS COMMITTED to the cause of getting Sirius Black back to full health as soon as he arrived at St Mungo's

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MAEVE WAS COMMITTED to the cause of getting Sirius Black back to full health as soon as he arrived at St Mungo's. She didn't know why she felt such an attachment to the couple, besides the fact that she was a witness to how committed they were to each other. Seeing how Charlus had to be pried away from Sirius' bedside so that he could get some sleep reminded Maeve of how hard Sirius had fought to remain with Charlus. The two carried such fighting spirits, it was refreshing to see for the young Healer.

Of course, while tending to Sirius and other patients within the hospital, she still saw Charlus as her responsibility as he was still in the recovery stage himself. It seemed every day they were getting into an argument regarding Charlus resting, while he wanted to be there in case Sirius woke up and needed help.

Eventually, they came to the compromise that Charlus could remain in Sirius' room while he rested.

"You'll be of no use to him if you're exhausted when he wakes up," Maeve told him as she handed over a sleeping draught. "Sleep."

Charlus looked down at the liquid before peering up at her again. "You'll wake me up if he wakes up, right?"

Folding her arms across her chest, Maeve narrowed her eyes in his direction. "Charlus, if you don't drink-"

He quickly gulped it down like an obedient child and Maeve watched as the extra-potent draught began working its magic rapidly. Within twenty seconds, Charlus slumped over in the armchair and was fast asleep. She waited until she heard the sound of light snoring emit from him before she summoned a blanket over and covered him.

Sirius had arrived at St Mungo's five days prior, malnourished and exhausted as his body gave out. Very similar to how Maeve had worked on Charlus' healing, she placed Sirius in a sleeping state while making sure he was getting proper water and nutrients, hoping to put some weight on him. His teeth were practically rotted inside his mouth, but she took care of that as well by Charlus' request and he followed up with brushing Sirius' teeth every day as well.

But while she healed Sirius mostly externally, she had to wonder how the man's mental state would be when he finally woke up. If it was anything like her experience with Charlus', Maeve found her dreading it slightly. However, the difference was, Sirius would only be receiving good news and Charlus would more than likely be the one to deliver it. And with every passing day, the good news continued to pour in.

Not only was Sirius a free man, but Peter Pettigrew had also been given a speedy trial, in which he was found guilty of all charges. It did not end there as the Ministry released an official apology on Sirius' behalf ( more than likely due to Charlus' threatening) and the media was having an absolute field day about it. Even though Minister Fudge had tried his best to keep matters hushed, by the end of the first day after Sirius' release, everyone in the wizarding world knew of the injustice that had taken place.

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