The Quest for Marron Tart

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The Quest for Marron Tart

There stood Heartslabyul's dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts, arms crossed and baring a frown. Heart-shaped face, two flat cowlicks that form a heart... He's pretty slim and small, though his authority as the dorm leader is mightier than what his appearance suggests.

"Oh my, Riddle-kun. You're super crazy cute today~" Cater spoke over for Ace's blubber.

Steely slate gray eyes glance to the third year. He scoffed at his attempt. "Hmph. Cater. If you talk too much it's going to cost you your head."

Cater laughed nervously, "Hey now, gimme a break!"

Grim recognizes him now. "This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the entrance ceremony!" The same redhead who temporarily sealed his magic.

He looks over to our circle. I almost shrank upon his eyes resting on me. As I awkwardly held his gaze with polite yet distant respect, a myriad of emotions flickered in his. Contempt was one I recognized among many all too well.

This eye contact only lasted for a second before he addressed to us, "You're the freshmen that caused all that fuss of explosion yesterday. Will you knock it off, calling someone's unique magic a 'weird collar'?"

Riddle tossed a glance to Grim before sighing. "For goodness sake. The headmaster is soft. If you forgive rule breakers the whole system would collapse. All you have to do is cut the head off of those who don't follow the rules."

"The things coming out his mouth don't suit his looks..." Ace muttered lowly to himself. He may have an adorable, pretty face but he says extreme stuff so nonchalantly.

"The headmaster appears to have forgiven you but make no mistake. The next time it happens, I will not." Riddle frowned.

"...By the way, dorm leader, is there any way... you could, say, remove this collar?" Ace asked as politely as I've seen him could be. It was half-assed, frankly speaking.

Riddle seems to share the same sentiment I was thinking when he spoke, "I was going to if you had learned your lesson, but the way you were just talking shows that you haven't at all. Keep it on for a while longer. Don't worry, as first years you'll only be learning fundamentals, not actually using magic."

I would have breathed a sigh of relief if it wasn't for Riddle's imposing presence. So I was right, first year we'll take it easy. Though I hope to go home before second year comes...

He continued, "You also won't be able to cause a scene like yesterday, isn't that great? Now don't just sit around chatting away, finish lunch and head to your next class. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, number 271: 'One should eat lunch and leave their seat within 15 minutes.' If you break the rules... I'm sure you understand?"

Ace sighed and slouched his shoulders. "Another weird rule..."

"Answer with, 'Yes, dorm leader!'" Riddle bellowed.

"Yes, dorm leader!" Ace, and even Deuce, answered, sitting up straighter.

Riddle crossed his arms. "Very good."

"Now, now, I'll look after them for you." Trey placated.

Riddle's eyes are less severe when he looks to Trey. There was familiarity in them that spoke of chemistry prior to Night Raven College. "...Hm. You're the vice dorm leader so I'd expect you to not act foolishly. Following the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, number 339: 'After a meal one must always drink lemon tea with two sugars.' I must go buy sugar cubes from the school store, so I'll be on my way."

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