A Maddening Unbirthday Party

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I stood in a maze of roses once again.

This dream... Is this a continuation?

Alice was prostrated on the ground looking up confused with a paintbrush dipped red in hand. Standing before her is the Queen of Hearts in her red and black dress, gripping the base of a heart tree whose roses are mostly painted red above her head.

She wore a scowl as she looked down on the little girl with condemning eyes.

"You went and sullied my roses! Prepare yourself!"

"I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness. It's their fault." The Three of Clovers knelt beside Alice, possessing a paintbrush as well.

"It wasn't me. It was Ace!" The Two of Clovers claimed, pointing to his fellow card soldier dripped in paint with a bucket atop his head.

The Queen of Hearts inched closer to the Ace of Clovers. "Was it you?"

"No, it was Two!"

"Two's doing?"

"No, it was Three!" The Two of Clovers suddenly exclaimed, despite having been the one to accuse Ace.

Aggravated, the Queen yelled, "Enough! Off with all their heads!"

The sound of whistling is heard as the Two of Clovers was dragged by the red soldiers for his execution. A trail of red paint is left behind.

Satisfied to have resolved the case, the Queen hums merrily.

"Of course you lose your head for using the wrong color." The Two of Diamonds softly muttered.

"I can't believe anyone would mix up red and white." The Three of Spades grumbled.

I could only watch from my rooted station in the line of black card soldiers. I know it was pointless to argue with a stubborn queen in my dreams, but I still disapprove of such mindless decisions. I never understand what goes in tyrant's heads.

I register something colorful hop into view. The same green and yellow bunny was pulling the Ace of Clovers along with its long hand-like ears. How could something so cheerful and adorable pull a victim to their doom?

I had resolved to catch it before I would dream again. I need to know everything about it and what it has to do with me.

Suddenly I found the will to move my body when I broke away from the lineup of soldiers and leaped straight for the bunny.

"I won't let you get away this time!"

The bunny dropped the soldier and bounced out of my reach. It flees to a path in the maze.

I immediately recovered and ran straight after its tail.

"Just what are you?! Who are you?!" I demanded as I breeze through fork in the roads and multiple corners while just barely keeping my sights on the bright color palette.

"If you know how to help me with this mess, then please tell me! I don't want to see this tyranny get worse! I'm annoyed!" I said gritting through my teeth. It's because of Riddle throwing a fuss over a tart that I got dragged into this! I haven't gotten a day to just lay down and think! This world is so inconsiderate to aliens!

The bunny led me to a long path where a bright red heart-shaped door lies beyond. It gestures to the doorknob with its ear before vanishing in heart glitters and sparkles.

I came to a stop just before the door. That thing led me here, but I can't even open it. Where's the key to this?

As soon as I have discovered the mysterious door, the world became basked in pitch darkness.

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