Daniel Sahyoune/Sahyounie's Imagines.

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Imagine - 

Daniel teaching you how to be pro at soccer

Imagine - 

You're helping Daniel  train for his next charity match, and you punch him playfully in the stomach and he bends over in pain, or so you thought until you repeatedly apologise and he grabs you by the stomach putting you over his shoulder laughing at how gullible you are.

Imagine - 

Spending christmas eve all wrapped up by your big fire with a hot chocolate and your favourite man in the world kissing you on the top of your head whilst watching your favourite christmas movie,

Imagine - 

"Y/N come here I want to ask you something" You walk into your kitchen to see the lights dimmed and a few candles lit and a table set up with plates of food on with Daniel kneeled down in the centre of the room on one knee with a ring box open "Y/N, I promise to love you forever and always. I know we're young-ish but I love you so much. I want you to be known as mine forever." You yelp in excitement and nod your head frantically and scream yes then kissing Daniel repeatedly. He slips the ring onto your finger and instead of dinner you ring up telling your families you're now engaged. 

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