Chapter 3 (Three)

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Hey! So like I'm very thankful for all the advice you guys have given me and all the comments you've written. Thank you to all the people who have voted and fanned me. It's been nearly a week and this book nearly has 800 views. Let's try get to 1,000 by any possible time soon :D. Anyway's some people said they think throughout the chapters Ben should become hot? Lol if you think so comment below saying "Ben+Hot" if not just comment saying what you think of the chapter :). Thank you. One more thing, remember to :


• Comment giving your honest opinion. Not just any opinion just so I can read your book because I don't think lying really helps. If you don't have any good comment then drop your negative comment below, I don't mind :)

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Anyway's I've said enough... Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter Three (3)

So, I'm still stood near the school gates by the roadside, shivering, as the little hairs on my legs tickled as the wind blew it up. People noticed me, since my pants were Red aswell.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ben I forgot about you.."

She un did the tie from my hands and then I pulled my trousers back up.

"I'm sorry if you got embarrassed and what was happening? Earlier between you, Gary, Drake and Steven..?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh.., it was nothing really. We were just messing around." I lied. But gave a short laugh to hide it.

"Well it didn't seem like 'messing', to me, and what in heavens name happened to your neck?! Do you have some sort of rash on it ? You better not itch it. And oh dear, how did that black lump get on your forehead?"

She kept asking questions that I couldn't give honest answers to. I just tried changing the subject but she kept finding a way to bring it back to the same topic.

"Well we can discuss this inside.." I said, "It's getting a little bit chilly." as I folded my two arms together, shoving them under my sweaty armpits. Mrs Grappe and I walked into the school premises. Making our way to the medical room, as fast as possible.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"We.. Are going to the medical room to go and cure your cuts." She sighed.

"Oh, ok. Well can we not run as fast?! My leg really hurts!"

"And, why is that?"

Well obviously I couldn't tell her I was getting bullied since that would have made them bully me 10x worse than now. So I lied to her. Lying was pretty much my hobby now since I started to do it repeatedly.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just fell after long training period in football."


She looked like she was onto me, so I had to make my lies more deceiving and not just ones which will expose itself.

"We're here now, I'm going to go call the school nurse, so just stay here and tell her everything of what happened, when she arrives."

I nodded my head patiently. I had a lot of patience but just liked things to get a move on. As I sat upon the school gurney, - which I haven't the slightest idea why they have one -, my Trousers reached to my knees. Showing of my dry, dusty and dirty knees. The nurse came in, at last! As she knocked over my school bag from the hook. I'm guessing she was a clumsy nurse for starters, since she kept knocking things over.

"Ok, young man. What seems to be the problem?"

"My name's Ben, not 'young man'. And clearly you have eyes, so you

can see that there is a big black swollen lump on my forehead, and I have a red neck, can't you? Or are you blind?"

Whenever I was in pain I seemed to give attitude, but as a child if someone asked me a question, I'd give them my answer. So I don't see how that's rude..

"Well, I wasn't there when all of this happened to you, so I wouldn't know will I.. Ben? So, just bare with me and tell me what the problem is."

I sighed, and told her what was wrong. Her voice was so annoying! It was like she had sucked up some helium, giving me a headache and all sorts.

"Well... I have a scratched back, I think? And I have a lump on my head, but now it's gone black and as you can see... There is some blood and puss trying to make it's way out. Err... My leg's really hurting me and I have some little cuts around my body. And, can you check what's in my hair? The other day I found something in it."

"Ok, but first can you kindly remove your shirt"

"And, why is that?!!" I glared at her, wrapping my arms around the upper part of my body.

"Well, in order to help you... I need to see the cuts on your back..."

I was uncomfortable with this. I'd rather let mum do it but she makes it hurt really badly. I slowly began to unbutton my school T-shirt and quickly turned around and lifted my vest so she didn't see my flabby stomach. After she had put some disinfectant on it, which didn't burn at all, she allowed me to wear my clothes again.

"Ok thanks. Now, can you check what's in my hair?"

She dug her nails deep into my long blonde curly hair, scratching my scalp making the dead skin cells, fall onto my black trousers. I quickly brushed them of before she could get a glimpse of it.

"It turns out to be gum... But it can't really come out unless we use scissors, but I'm afraid it'll cut some of your hair off..."

"Whoa! I want it out, not a full hair cut! And, certainly not a bald patch!"

"Fine. Anyway, back to the healing, here is some ointment for your neck and apply this oil to your forehead every day. It'll prevent your lump from swelling up and bleeding."

She put the things in a brown bag and put a sticky note on it with some writing. I couldn't read it because her hand writing was practically scribbles. I looked in the bag, in case she had left out anything. Nope... She didn't. I took out the oil holding it by cap first and it read : GRAHAM'S FISH LIVER OIL."

"Err, excuse me, Nurse? Are you sure this is the right oil? It says it's for fish." I cringed.

"Yes! It is, but the minerals inside of it help your cuts, and don't worry about the other small cuts they will heal on their own." She smiled.

I don't know why she was smiling, because I certainly wasn't. There was no way I was going to put that fish liver oil thing on my lump. I'd rather prefer it to be black. I gave her back the oil, since I didn't want it. She, then opened it placing the cap neatly on the table side since it had a few oil drops in it left, whilst grabbing a swab from the draw below it. She inserted the swab in the oil as she tilted it to the right side abit. I don't know where she was going with it. Until the fishy oil was touching my lump. It didn't burn...just smelt awful.

"It's all good, now, you'll be better in no time, now I'm going to write you a note then you go back to your next lesson, ok? What lesson do you have now?"

"I have Science." Oh no. Science was with me, Michael and Drake. And Drake is my science partner. I put my hand on my face as I was so confused on what I was going to do.

"Ok. Here's the note, dear, bye." She handed me the note, as she was shoving me out of the medical room. I was definitely not going to lesson.

I needed a plan but, one which wouldn't get me in a detention with them. Since, they got into a 10 minute detention during lunch times.

Is Ben going to get a good plan? Or is he not? And will his black lump ever heal? Stay tuned to chapter 4 ! :D

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