Chapter 5 (Five)

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Is Ben going to finally stand up for himself and other's?

Chapter 5 (Five)

"Look Ben, I've said this several times. You're going to have to stand up to those bullies at some point soon!" Warned Alice.

"Well you think I don't want to? You think I haven't been thinking of a solution to stop all of this? Well I have. And so far they all lead me back to where I am now. Being bullied!"

"Well, it's your choice! I'm just trying to help you. And if you don't want my help, then I'll keep it for my own sake, anyway I'm going back to the lesson, you coming?"

"Oh right, you go back to lesson and leave your best friend here, when he need's you the most." I said sarcastically.

"What!? I asked you if you were coming? You haven't given me a reply. It didn't mean I was going to leave you. But in that case, I will!" She slammed the door behind her as she walked in.

I didn't know my best friend could do something like this to me. But, now it just seemed like she was one of them. I could hear them calling her name through the doors. I really felt bad now, but their was nothing I could do without getting into twice as much harm as i was in now. Well I couldn't sit outside for the whole lesson. I got up and wiped the dust off my backside making sure I didn't leave any marks. I took a deep breath and wiped my forehead with my handkerchief and opened the door. The class seemed to be doing work in silence. No body noticed I had walked in until I stumbled upon a chair then all eyes were on me.

"Look, it's michael Jackson again!" shouted Garry.

And here we go again! I just rolled my eyes. Now, they had the whole classes attention.

"Guys, Silence now!" Said Mr Jackson. Nobody was even listening to him so he shouldn't waste his breath.

"Guys! Guys, listen up! Hello.. I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!" He shouted as he stormed out of the classroom.

Yet again no-one still payed attention to him.

"Hey, Hey Michael Jackson, do the moon walk!" they laughed.

I just couldn't take this anymore, at all. I felt like just crying but we all knew that would only make the situation even more worse than it is now. Suddenly, Alice got out of her seat and stood in front of the class. Making sure she got everybody's attention.

"Listen up.. Drake and co! You better leave Ben alone. Why don't you pick on somebody your own size? You and your friends are so dumb that you've been dropped to 8th grade when your 9th graders! I see how you don't go pick on the 9th grades because you know they will show you what they got so you decide to pick on us!" She shouted. Panting as she was loosing her breath.

"Pft, and since when was you Ben's spokesperson?" He raised an eyebrow.

"If Ben has something to say he should come and say it to my face! Isn't that right....BEN!" He turned around to face me. He turned around to face me. Glaring at me with his devious eyes. I tried thinking of my words this time. But they just couldn't come out of my mouth. Alice was giving me signals of what I should say until I bent my head down in shame.

"Well.. It looks like Ben is to scared to say anything! Little Wimp! But since you decided to but in, maybe we'll just have to teach you a little lesson." He smirked to Alice.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight" The class demanded. Gary and Steven got up out of their seats and went to surround Alice as Drake was getting warmed up to beat her up. I felt so bad because I was just sitting down at the table when I caused all of this mess.

"Get her, guys!" Said Drake.

They started to attack Alice, throwing punches at her face and other lower parts of her body. I ran outside looking for the teacher, as I saw him on the other end of the corridor making out with.. I think was a male teacher, Mr Stevenson ! What? Since when was Mr Jackson gay? Well at least it explains all the times he wore hot pants to school. Since their was no teacher around I knew this was the time to take action. Now I was furious. I walked into the classroom again smashing the door as it bounced back open. I felt so stupid because it was meant to close but at least nobody saw that happening.

"You can bully me, but don't you dare ever touch Alice or ever lay another hand on her again you stupid ass!"

It felt so good that I had finally stood up for myself! I felt so proud. But not proud for Alice, who was lying on floor coughing abit of blood.

"What did you just call me?" Shouted Drake as his hot fiery breath swivelled in my nose. "I think I made myself clear!"

I was starting to get a bit to brave now. But as long as it would show everyone that I can stand up for myself.

"Look! I'm sick and tired! Of you and your friends treating me like shit! It's not like I've even ever done anything to you. Your just bullying me for no reason! When were you ever going to pick on somebody else? Huh? Some one who's your own size?" I definitely wasn't his size. He was way taller than me I only reached up to his chest.

"What's this, guys? Looks like wimpy is getting a bit to big for his boots!"

"Well my name's not wimpy, it's Ben. And I'm not wearing boots I'm actually wearing shiny velcro shoes!"

"Argh, I've had enough, let's get him!"

They all charged up on me. This is where all those years of playing street fighter on xbox might actually come in handy! Me and Steven where face to face, I was waiting for his punch to come. But then I thought why don't I take the first punch. My flab from my stomach bounced up and down as I hopped up and down. Just as I was about to punch steven I saw Garry picking up a chair from behind Rod and looked as if he was going to throw it at me. Everything seemed to be going in some sort of slow motion, so lucky enough I saw it through my scratched glasses and was able to duck in time. The class made sound effect's making the fight even more intense than it is already. I was okay.. Except for Steven who had just got a chair swung across his head. He fell to the ground on his face, leaving a loud thump!


"Well, I didn't mean it! Did I?"

Tear drops rolled from Drake's eyelids as he had some sort of tantrum for Steven being on the floor. Camera's started to flash, giggles were heard. It was the class, they started laughing and taking pictures. Everybody thought that I had beaten up Steven since I stood over him proudly. Everyone started chanting my name calling me a 'Hero'. But this only made matters worse. I never knew that when you stand up for yourself to a bully you get popularity. But I sure wasn't enjoying this type.

"Oh, it's not over yet, Ben. When Steven recovers, just better hope your mummys at home to attend your funeral!"

Was this meant to be a threat? If so I was terrified now, for certain. But that wasn't the case. The bell rang and that's when the teacher decided to come back. Not even taking a glimpse at Alice.

"Class dismissed. Everyone get the hell out of here!" As he sipped his coffee.

"You okay Alice?" I whispered in her ear as I helped her get up.

"Why wouldn't I be okay? You just risked your life for me. Nobody has ever done that before...ever! That means alot to me!" She smiled.

"Well you know.. You know how I run things." I boasted, as my cheeks shone pink. She leaned over to me, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I would of preferred it on the lips but, oh well.

"What was that for?" I said confused.

"For everything." smiled Alice.

"Haa, it's okay" I chuckled.

"Well let's just get you to that medical room. Wait, on second thoughts, lets not."

I didn't want Alice to meet that clumsy nurse again. But then again, she was in pain and she was the only one who could help at this moment. So we had no choice.

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